5 most incredible operations on head

Could fiction Alexander Belyaev think it will take quite a bit of time and humanity closer to what he just invented. Doctors have learned to do such operations that take your breath away! And now just preparing for the transplant of a human head. And while this has not happened yet, I propose to recall the most incredible operation recently, it has been connected with golovoy.1. Transplantation skull kryshkiPervuyu transplant in the world held the Texas scientists this year - May 22. On operation took 15 hours. A case is a 55-year-old Jim Boyce earlier he was treated for cancer and chemotherapy has led to destruction of the bone of the cranium. And one day and all formed a deep wound on the skull with a recess, it began to put pressure on the brain.
Ironically, one of the most difficult moments of the whole process was ... to find the appropriate size for organ transplants, to put it simply - the skull. In the operation we were involved 50 professionals, including plastic surgeons to restore, as well as the team of surgeons who specialize in transplants, neurosurgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, nurses.
- It was a difficult and long road, and I am incredibly grateful to all the doctors who conducted this complex operation, - admitted to journalists Boise. - I'm amazed at how beautiful and feel forever grateful that I was given a second chance. Now I can go back to your family and friends and continue to engage in favorite things.

2. Return torn skalpaEtu unique operation conducted by specialists at a hospital in Prague. They saved a woman and sewed her scalp back after she lost it in an accident.
It happened when some point she decided to help her husband with the repair and inadvertently grabbed a running drill. Drill immediately reeled her hair, tearing them together with the scalp. "I just saw my hair fly around my face, and then I do not remember ..."
Already two hours later, she was on the operating table. Above her head surgeons conjured nine o'clock - transplanted part of the vessels and veins (ranging in length from 8 to 10 centimeters) with both hands and feet, and even managed to save some of the vessels in the injured part of the head.

3. Removal of the 10-centimeter pencil from mozgaOperatsiya which has prompted a medical conference was held two years ago. It all began with the fact that the hospital Aachen came 24-year-old resident of Afghanistan, he complained of persistent headaches and a sharp drop of view, and only one eye.
Doctors have conducted studies, including tomography, and could not believe their eyes! On pictures it appeared that the patient's head is ... 10-inch pencil, he walked from the pharynx to the sinuses and the brain and touched his right eye socket.
During the complex operation by German doctors removed the pencil, a man already on the mend. And by the way, he could not remember where his head was a foreign object. He said only that once, as a child, fell and was badly hurt.

4. The operation on the brain plays guitar patsientaA it seems altogether incredible! Exactly a week ago, surgeons from the hospital of Nossa Senhora da Conceicao in Santa Catarina in Brazil had to remove a tumor in the brain of 33-year-old Anthony Kulkampa Diaz. The procedure itself is not to say that very much unique, no.
But all complicated by the fact that the patient during surgery was required at all times to maintain consciousness. Otherwise, it would just not wake up. In addition, it is required to ensure that doctors can monitor the state of the brain and damaged his specific areas during the operation.
In order to not disconnect, Anthony asked him to bring his guitar and sang for doctors (and sometimes even sing) your favorite songs from the repertoire of Beatles. Sometimes he talked to surgeons and informed them that feels, for example, at some point the fingers of his right hand in his much numb.

5. golovyEta transplant surgery has not yet taken place, it has to pass in 2017. And we keep the cams that all went well! The patient, by the way, is our compatriot, the programmer Valery Spiridonov. He had taken off from the United States for the first consultation and research.
And just today, June 12, he spoke at a conference of the leading neurosurgeons in Annapolis.
Recall programmer disabled from Vladimir, who suffers from a rare disease, syndrome Werding-Hoffman, agreed to the surgery after the Italian professor, Sergio Kanavero said he was ready to transplant a human head on a healthy body, and that he is looking for a patient who is ready to take part in the experiment .
Himself neurosurgeon says Vladimir chance of survival after surgery is much greater than that of Gagarin when he went on his first flight into space: "He was a strong possibility that he will die. America sent Neil Armstrong to the moon, but back he might not come back. Chance Valery Spiridonov survive after my surgery is much higher than it was in these people ».

6. In the diagram below you can see what to expect during surgery Vladimir.