Chinese drones guard exams
Western man has long had the idea of China as a country of copies. Nevertheless, the Chinese succeed in this great, it's tempting to think of a really nation's genetic predisposition to imitate and scams.
But if the external economic success of the country this tendency - an unrivaled trump card, the internal social policy - large brake. Especially when it comes to nurturing their own educated elite. Only in the last year from US universities for cheating it was expelled about 8,000 Chinese.
Every year in early summer in China starts "gaokao" - a two-day entrance exam, which will determine the further future of local teenagers. And it is nearly 9 million people, most of them - came from poor families, they enroll in college - the only one in the life of a social elevator.
However, according to statistics, about 2 million students flood the exam. The stakes are high, and it is natural that in such a situation turns into cheating unspoken tradition among the participants of the exam.
Points with the camera button on the coin to create a snapshot
The radio transmitter disguised as a T-shirt
For its part, the authorities in the fight against cheating with each year more and more tightening the screws. Sit on one, introduced criminal liability for aiding and dismiss the applicant for 3 years from the repetition of the exam.
In one class, only 30 people were registered more than 10 connections to the network. The red button on the phone glued to avoid resetting the call.
Some of us have even found the time pinned to the crib skirt or written on the palm. However, tight control of the most effective and unobtrusive way proved earpiece. To date, some of them are so small that control of the ear can only be blocked by means of a magnet.
Button in the handle to control the camera
the camera itself and the transmitter in a bottle
So this year, the Chinese examiners to combat cheating decided to use special drones - flying locators that are capable pelengovat broadcast within a radius of 500 meters of track and accomplices or hapless crook.
Although, it seems to me, even this method is unable to stop the human laziness and ingenuity.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/smile-expo/blog/251418/

But if the external economic success of the country this tendency - an unrivaled trump card, the internal social policy - large brake. Especially when it comes to nurturing their own educated elite. Only in the last year from US universities for cheating it was expelled about 8,000 Chinese.
Every year in early summer in China starts "gaokao" - a two-day entrance exam, which will determine the further future of local teenagers. And it is nearly 9 million people, most of them - came from poor families, they enroll in college - the only one in the life of a social elevator.

However, according to statistics, about 2 million students flood the exam. The stakes are high, and it is natural that in such a situation turns into cheating unspoken tradition among the participants of the exam.

Points with the camera button on the coin to create a snapshot

The radio transmitter disguised as a T-shirt
For its part, the authorities in the fight against cheating with each year more and more tightening the screws. Sit on one, introduced criminal liability for aiding and dismiss the applicant for 3 years from the repetition of the exam.

In one class, only 30 people were registered more than 10 connections to the network. The red button on the phone glued to avoid resetting the call.
Some of us have even found the time pinned to the crib skirt or written on the palm. However, tight control of the most effective and unobtrusive way proved earpiece. To date, some of them are so small that control of the ear can only be blocked by means of a magnet.

Button in the handle to control the camera

the camera itself and the transmitter in a bottle
So this year, the Chinese examiners to combat cheating decided to use special drones - flying locators that are capable pelengovat broadcast within a radius of 500 meters of track and accomplices or hapless crook.

Although, it seems to me, even this method is unable to stop the human laziness and ingenuity.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/smile-expo/blog/251418/
Guns assembled and disassembled
In graphene - the stars: from graphene oxide material is moving under the influence of light