Social Network LinkedIn helped "light up" 27,000 employees of US intelligence

Social networks - the evil, especially for people who are engaged in different kinds of intelligence services. Recently, the network has a service Transparency Toolkit , which, according to developers, contains information about 27 thousand employees of US intelligence. This base is not recruited because of some leakage of information from these organizations. Developers of service a detailed analysis database LinkedIn, trying to identify the intelligence workers of all sorts of secret code words (though some of them known to a certain circle of specialists) and some other parameters. Some users of LinkedIn openly publish the name of the office to which they are working.
The purpose of this project - to show ordinary people how many among us people who work in the intelligence services (of course, not all intelligence officers are scouts, however, these employees are quite a few). Service allows you to easily search for the right information, the service is very simple.
In addition to LinkedIn, the developers involved for their work and other resources to clarify and supplement the information on the people who were in Transparency Toolkit. It is well-known social networking and some other sources from the web. All the information used by developers - is publicly available, and collect something like that, if desired, it is easy (of course, if you have some skills to work with information and analysis of data).
Founders of the resource, three, this "gift Chekist" Brennan created Novak (developer secure mail Mailpile), writer Kevin Gallagher, who studies the principles of the intelligence of different countries, and MC McGrath, founder of the project, formerly part of the team, former MIT Media Lab.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/250122/
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