Secretive Sfletter.com

Sfletter.com - e-mail service that protects messages and attachments from the shipment and the opening of a third party. It is designed to send messages "secret." What documents can be protected? Any: important financial report or photograph with his mistress - all that should not leak to the Internet or go to the side. Also secure mail service allows you to track the opening of letters on time and IP-address. And it is absolutely free. Only tssss ... .

Did you know that the American Gmail.com scans the content of messages and attachments, and uses this information on your own? Even if you use another service, all your emails aimed at Gmail.com will be scanned. To avoid this, use a secure mail service Russian Sfletter.com. Recipient Sfletter.com letters can be any service, but it can not scan messages as files are protected by a special program. New service, and you can register almost any yaschik.Kak works Sfletter.comZaschischennaya email Sfletter.com works like a normal web service - register, and are authorized, you can send secure pisma.

When writing letters to note that beside the "Send" button is enabled by default only the function of "investment protection." If you want to protect and the message itself - add a check mark next to "Protect the body of the email» .

After sending the letter to the addressee will receive a message that he sent to a secure email, and you must be to establish a special program. As it happens, you can learn from the video on YouTube. You can always tell when it was open and secure email via the "History of access." It also allows you to track the IP-address poluchatelya.

Open letter can be protected only on computers running Windows. Mobile phones are not supported, which can also be seen as another way to protect against leakage informatsii.