In 2014, carbon dioxide emissions, as opposed to the economy did not grow

If you believe the scientist-climatologists, it is currently going through the Earth's climate warming, which, according to some experts, is due to human activity. According to this view, the carbon dioxide emissions that occur due to industrial activities, creating a greenhouse effect, which increases the temperature of the planet.
The study международного Energy Agency (IEA) shows that in 2014, despite a 3% growth, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has changed. While it is unclear whether it is a simple fluctuation or the situation is really starting to change.
The reasons for the lack of increase in emissions of CO 2 sub> can be different. This increased use of renewable energy, and reduce coal consumption by China. It is possible that the use of fossil fuels has already passed its peak. According to a recent study, the peak of fossil fuel use will be made not later than 10 years after which begins decrease.
Number of gas emissions into the atmosphere during the observation at the IEA decreased in all three. It was in the early 1980s, in 1992 and in 2009 - all of these years were marked by serious economic crises.
It is interesting that not all scientists agree with the the influence of human activities on warming, and even with the fact of the presence of this warming . For example, warming may be due to the natural cycles of the planet, when the two ice ages, a period with high temperatures. Some even believe that Киотский Protocol , in which some countries have pledged to reduce emissions of production and trading was introduced, used to pressure on developing countries and containment of their productions.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247242/
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