The oldest addresses in .com was 30 years old
4 years before the appearance of the Internet WWW Symbolics company from Massachusetts registered the first .com domain in the zone with the name www.symbolics.com . It was March 15, 1985. Thus this domain - the oldest in the most famous Internet domain zone. This Sunday he was 30 years old. List of domains such as long-lived conducted on an ad hoc странице Wikipedia.
During this time the company founder had time to cease to exist in its original form. In the 80s of the last century it was engaged in the production and sale LISP-компьютеров. Workstations 3600 Series offers users 170 MB of hard disk, Macintosh-like graphical interface, mouse, several CAD-programs, the implementation of Lisp, Fortran, C, and even the ability to handle video quality of HDTV. All of this in 1983 was worth $ 110 000.
Although these computers at the time were interested in the DARPA research in artificial intelligence, competition with the IBM PC such specialized machines did not survive. In 1993, Symbolics declared bankruptcy. Later it was acquired by another company, but under the same name was switched to selling software. Even today Symbolics Inc sells a proprietary operating system Genera , designed for Lisp-computers. The second product Symbolics - it is a commercial computer algebra system Macsyma , the beginning of the development of which was laid in MIT.
That's how the site looked Symbolics.com after the change of the company:
In 2009, the domain name was purchased by an investment fund XF.com for an undisclosed fee. Domain decided to use for other purposes, as well as a kind of museum exhibit, which requires no advertising, but which may itself perfectly to make it. Former site Symbolics, over which never worked one designer, moved to a new domain - symbolics-dks.com .
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247260/
During this time the company founder had time to cease to exist in its original form. In the 80s of the last century it was engaged in the production and sale LISP-компьютеров. Workstations 3600 Series offers users 170 MB of hard disk, Macintosh-like graphical interface, mouse, several CAD-programs, the implementation of Lisp, Fortran, C, and even the ability to handle video quality of HDTV. All of this in 1983 was worth $ 110 000.
Although these computers at the time were interested in the DARPA research in artificial intelligence, competition with the IBM PC such specialized machines did not survive. In 1993, Symbolics declared bankruptcy. Later it was acquired by another company, but under the same name was switched to selling software. Even today Symbolics Inc sells a proprietary operating system Genera , designed for Lisp-computers. The second product Symbolics - it is a commercial computer algebra system Macsyma , the beginning of the development of which was laid in MIT.
That's how the site looked Symbolics.com after the change of the company:
In 2009, the domain name was purchased by an investment fund XF.com for an undisclosed fee. Domain decided to use for other purposes, as well as a kind of museum exhibit, which requires no advertising, but which may itself perfectly to make it. Former site Symbolics, over which never worked one designer, moved to a new domain - symbolics-dks.com .
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247260/