Selection of premises in rent for office should be thought out and weighed
On this depends the prosperity and success of the company.
The main criteria for selection
office space • Location. If you plan to regularly visit customers need to choose a building with high traffic. Very popular is the office rent in the business center of North-East.
• Area. It is important that employees have enough space for comfortable operation, from this labor efficiency depends. It is necessary to provide a place for visitors.
• Communications. Heating, Water, Internet, wired telephony is of great importance for the organization of the office.
• Security. External and internal monitoring system, alarm system necessary for the preservation of the property and safety of employees, customers and partners.
• The ability to advertise. It is important to clarify the terms of the placement of advertising tools, as this will help to attract new customers.
• Parking. Availability for personal transport will create additional comfort for visitors.
One of the important criteria is the cost of rent. In many respects it depends on these factors. So, making a choice you must make a start on the capabilities and needs of the company.