Developed a polymer that improves blood clotting

American scientists разработали polymer PolySTAT , injection which increases blood clotting. Such a preparation in the future will be able to save people with extensive bleeding, injured on the battlefield or in an accident. Until the polymer has been successfully tested on mice.
In the field, the rescuers in the presence of bleeding is usually applied a tourniquet. But in the case of internal bleeding is not always clear where to apply pressure. Sometimes the wrong point of the application may even worsen the condition of the victim.
Body fights the bleeding by forming blood clots from platelets. Under the influence of the enzyme thrombin in blood protein fibrin is formed, which strengthens the resulting clots and forms a natural "plug". When bleeding internal organ formed plugs are very weak, since the components necessary to create them, follow along with the blood. These plugs can be amenable even during the procedure of blood transfusion.
Researchers have developed a polymer that enhances the cork, as a result reduces the likelihood of internal bleeding. Susie Pan, a bioengineer at Washington University, says: "We have developed a polymer that can be injected into the blood. He introduced into clots and strengthens them. This can greatly help in rescuing people, for example, on the battlefield ».
The polymer before its dissolution in the saline looks like a white powder. It is based on the same polymer that is used for the manufacture of contact lenses. He introduced into the blood clots where there fibrin. As is normal in the blood it is not, the polymer is not threatened by the sudden creation of blood clots somewhere in the circulatory system. Scientists had already tried to create artificial platelets, but the first success achieved by using synthetic polymer.
In its work, the scientists cut the femoral artery of mice. Then, half of them have introduced a new polymer. Of those mice who did without injection, half dead. All mice received a dose of the polymer, survived.
Nathan White, co-author of the study, said that the majority of people with injuries are losing too much blood, and just did not live up to the hospital. Using PolySTAT in the field to help them survive. In addition, it can help people with diseases of the blood, preventing the formation of clots. In the future, perhaps on the basis of this decision will be possible to create a drug that destroys blood clots formed as a result of stroke.
Judging by the initial study, the polymer is non-toxic and does not damage internal organs. But scientists still have a lot of testing before this agent can be widely used. While researchers are preparing for experiments in larger animals.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246932/