The project is a futuristic power plant in Sweden
Danish architectural agency BIG, which is headed by architect Vyarke Ingels, developed on behalf of the administration of the Swedish city of Uppsala concept cogeneration plant that will run on biofuel.
Cogeneration - the process of co-generation of electricity and heat. Administration Uppsala, a city of 140,000 people, wants to station not only benefited, heated homes and businesses and to provide electricity, but also had the original and attractive appearance. Therefore, designers have come up with for the station & quot; diamond dome & quot ;.
Instead of the standard of accommodation units station over a large area, it is proposed to place them compact, utilizing the third dimension. The resulting company will be covered with a dome, which will not only give him the aesthetics, but also will help organize a winter garden. Thus, the plant will become the center of social activity of local residents. In the winter you can walk among the plants and to become better acquainted with the work station.
Among the other projects of the company BIG - already under construction waste processing plant, which must also extract energy from it. The original concept of the station includes a лыжный descent on her roof area of almost 3.5 kilometers.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246476/
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