March 20 solar eclipse will disconnect from the grid power plants in Europe by 35 GW

Alternative energy sources, in many respects, can replace the traditional energy resources. However, sometimes there are the most unexpected problems associated with the specific operation of "solar" station. So, on March 20 in Europe should go total solar eclipse (first since 1999). As a result, будут temporarily disabled solar power , with a total capacity of 35 GW. The eclipse will last from 10:40 to 14:50 Moscow time.
Now in Europe for more than 10% of all energy generated by solar power, and disconnect them even for a short time can become a serious challenge for the entire energy infrastructure. It is worth noting that earlier all this was not a problem, because in 1999 the share of "solar" energy was very insignificant for Europe - only 0.1%. Now this is a problem.
Thus the problem - not that for a short time less energy to be generated, and that it will jump load - first sharp decline, then - a sharp increase. However, if Europe is clear, then the problem will be neutralized. According to the specialists ENTSO-E , subject to clear weather from the grid in Europe on March 20 will go first 35 GW, and then the energy will reappear .
The main burden will fall on the grid in Germany, where it will be off about 51% of capacity, and Italy, where he will be cut off about 21% of the energy. In order to avoid the negative effects of power surges experts plan to put into operation reserve fuel power plants, as well as control the consumer load. ENTSO-E recommends that all operators of power systems in Europe on March 20 to provide for the existence of spare capacity.
As for Russia, here the problem is not relevant, since solar energy is only 1% in energy infrastructure, everything else - traditional energy sources.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/246386/