How the solar eclipse in July will affect representatives of each of the zodiac signs
July 13, 2018 is a special day when the Sun and Moon will meet in the sign of Cancer to open the new lunar month. And that's the first. eclipse for a very long time. A similar eclipse was 18 years ago, which means that some fateful events that occurred then, can be repeated this year.
The solar eclipse of July 13 will not be complete, so darkness in broad daylight will not come. Moreover, not everyone will be able to see it. The eclipse can only be seen in southern Australia and on the island of Tasmania! And somewhere around Antarctica. However, from an astrological point of view, this eclipse is of great importance.
“Eclipse, and especially this, has a huge impact on each of us. During this period, the Sun and Moon will connect with the northern karmic node of Rahu. Rahu is a karmic knot of opportunity that gives something new, but sometimes takes it away if it’s not yours.
An eclipse is always a crisis, especially for those who fear change. Without change, there is no change for the better. And the eclipse of July 13 is a time of change and new opportunities! – says an astrologer with 20 years of experience, Angela Pearl.
Angela is a very positive woman, even if the forecast has unpleasant moments, she will always tell you how to avoid trouble.
And today's edition. "Site" will tell you why eclipse It is so important for each of us and how it will affect all 12 zodiac signs. This is an astrological prediction from Angela Pearl!
Earth Taurus during this period may appear a new circle of acquaintances. Events that occur in the family or in the immediate environment will affect the Taurus itself. It is possible that during this period you will need to deal with some documents, sign important papers, and get some new knowledge and skills. The native planet of Taurus – Venus – is well aspected in the sign of the Earth, so you will feel the solid ground under your feet and be sure that your efforts will bring real and quite material benefits.
In the changeable Gemini, the eclipse will turn on the house of money and finance. It is best to look for independent earning opportunities, change sources of income or at least think about how you would like to increase income. It is important to use all the courage and take risks. The case is bound to succeed!
Cancers are the heroes of this eclipse. This is a good period for those who are waiting for their prince or princess, who are looking for their love. Not necessarily on July 13, but within 2 years! Marriage, the birth of a child, moving, a new successful job - there comes a period when all this is possible. This is the beginning of a new cycle, a new happy life for Cancer. However, for all this to happen, here’s your advice: do not involve strangers in your plans – on the day of a solar eclipse, you should keep your mouth shut and share your thoughts only with reliable people.
This is a time of preparation for a new cycle of life. Lions in this period will need to put an end to the past. There may be work trips that will bring success. It is also a period of inner solitude and rethinking of vital issues. July 13 is not the most suitable day for love adventures, but forced solitude can be used wisely, for example, to solve home problems.
The eclipse of July 13 will give the beautiful Virgos the opportunity to take a few steps towards their dreams! In addition, Virgos can feel themselves a very important part of the team, without them the team simply cannot exist. Partners, as well as people from the inner circle will support all your new ideas and initiatives, especially if they are related to training, new knowledge, small trips-movements and even changing cars.
Solar Eclipse Day is suitable for getting rid of debt - this Friday Libra is better to live with a sense of financial freedom. This is a great time to change status! During this period, it is good to get married, change jobs, start a business. It’s also a great time to change direction to follow your dreams. Just trust in space, the universe will help you in everything.
For a Scorpio, this eclipse can bring a lot in terms of education, you can have interesting trips, learn a lot and then be able to use it in your life and work. Warning from the stars: during this period, Scorpios should not relax, because for a cheerful and carefree life sometimes you have to pay.
Sagittarius expects new financial opportunities, and this is not earned money, but, for example, obtaining an inheritance or a loan. But the latter will not affect Sagittarius very well, since it will be very long to pay the loan afterwards. This is a great time to conceive a child. A good time to take care of your own health. Meditation, yoga and other techniques can be of great benefit.
This eclipse will greatly affect the house of relationships. There will be an important event in your life. During these two years, you will meet your love. The family will also have changes, both a break and a transition to a higher level in the relationship are possible. In the worst case, you can lose a partner (for example, there may be a breakup of a relationship). But in this situation, you should rely on children, on creative activities or go on trips, then the pain of loss will be less. In any case, for Capricorn, this eclipse opens up new horizons in terms of partnership, or he realizes something completely new, having a permanent relationship.
Many Aquarius can change jobs or start a business within 2 years. Maybe you'll get a welcome promotion. The planets are so well positioned that any problems will seem easy and trivial. Try to spend the day of the eclipse - July 13 - next to loved ones. Joint walks and long journeys will affect relationships with relatives in the most positive way.
The eclipse of July 13 will add to the life of Pisces issues related to recreation, entertainment, creativity and children. You will definitely reconsider your views on these issues, for example, think that you have been working too much lately, and now it is better to take a little rest. This is a great time for the conception and birth of children or their upbringing. Something related to children will definitely appear in the life of Pisces. It is also a time of joy and a favorite hobby, which can then bring impressive income.
And to read more about the advice of charming Angela, I suggest you watch this video.
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with the tarot forecast for July 2018 from astrologer and tarologist Angela Pearl. Detailed for each zodiac sign!
Solar eclipse It is when the mind is eclipsed and you can, as Angela Pearl says, break wood. Therefore, we advise you, dear reader, not to make any important decisions during the period of July 12-13. Dedicate this time to self-development, prayer, be calm and try to think positively. And then everything will turn out in the best possible way.
The main thing to remember on July 13, 2018 – do not expect instant results and try to hide your desires from others.
If this information was useful to you, tell your friends about it on social networks!
The solar eclipse of July 13 will not be complete, so darkness in broad daylight will not come. Moreover, not everyone will be able to see it. The eclipse can only be seen in southern Australia and on the island of Tasmania! And somewhere around Antarctica. However, from an astrological point of view, this eclipse is of great importance.

“Eclipse, and especially this, has a huge impact on each of us. During this period, the Sun and Moon will connect with the northern karmic node of Rahu. Rahu is a karmic knot of opportunity that gives something new, but sometimes takes it away if it’s not yours.
An eclipse is always a crisis, especially for those who fear change. Without change, there is no change for the better. And the eclipse of July 13 is a time of change and new opportunities! – says an astrologer with 20 years of experience, Angela Pearl.
Angela is a very positive woman, even if the forecast has unpleasant moments, she will always tell you how to avoid trouble.
And today's edition. "Site" will tell you why eclipse It is so important for each of us and how it will affect all 12 zodiac signs. This is an astrological prediction from Angela Pearl!
- Aries.
During the eclipse, the fiery Aries will feel very energetic. However, this is a deceptive feeling, and the stars advise you to be patient and do your usual duties. Aries lovers on July 13 can count on the support of the stars - dates and meetings will be bright and very romantic.
Earth Taurus during this period may appear a new circle of acquaintances. Events that occur in the family or in the immediate environment will affect the Taurus itself. It is possible that during this period you will need to deal with some documents, sign important papers, and get some new knowledge and skills. The native planet of Taurus – Venus – is well aspected in the sign of the Earth, so you will feel the solid ground under your feet and be sure that your efforts will bring real and quite material benefits.

In the changeable Gemini, the eclipse will turn on the house of money and finance. It is best to look for independent earning opportunities, change sources of income or at least think about how you would like to increase income. It is important to use all the courage and take risks. The case is bound to succeed!

Cancers are the heroes of this eclipse. This is a good period for those who are waiting for their prince or princess, who are looking for their love. Not necessarily on July 13, but within 2 years! Marriage, the birth of a child, moving, a new successful job - there comes a period when all this is possible. This is the beginning of a new cycle, a new happy life for Cancer. However, for all this to happen, here’s your advice: do not involve strangers in your plans – on the day of a solar eclipse, you should keep your mouth shut and share your thoughts only with reliable people.
This is a time of preparation for a new cycle of life. Lions in this period will need to put an end to the past. There may be work trips that will bring success. It is also a period of inner solitude and rethinking of vital issues. July 13 is not the most suitable day for love adventures, but forced solitude can be used wisely, for example, to solve home problems.

The eclipse of July 13 will give the beautiful Virgos the opportunity to take a few steps towards their dreams! In addition, Virgos can feel themselves a very important part of the team, without them the team simply cannot exist. Partners, as well as people from the inner circle will support all your new ideas and initiatives, especially if they are related to training, new knowledge, small trips-movements and even changing cars.

Solar Eclipse Day is suitable for getting rid of debt - this Friday Libra is better to live with a sense of financial freedom. This is a great time to change status! During this period, it is good to get married, change jobs, start a business. It’s also a great time to change direction to follow your dreams. Just trust in space, the universe will help you in everything.

For a Scorpio, this eclipse can bring a lot in terms of education, you can have interesting trips, learn a lot and then be able to use it in your life and work. Warning from the stars: during this period, Scorpios should not relax, because for a cheerful and carefree life sometimes you have to pay.

Sagittarius expects new financial opportunities, and this is not earned money, but, for example, obtaining an inheritance or a loan. But the latter will not affect Sagittarius very well, since it will be very long to pay the loan afterwards. This is a great time to conceive a child. A good time to take care of your own health. Meditation, yoga and other techniques can be of great benefit.

This eclipse will greatly affect the house of relationships. There will be an important event in your life. During these two years, you will meet your love. The family will also have changes, both a break and a transition to a higher level in the relationship are possible. In the worst case, you can lose a partner (for example, there may be a breakup of a relationship). But in this situation, you should rely on children, on creative activities or go on trips, then the pain of loss will be less. In any case, for Capricorn, this eclipse opens up new horizons in terms of partnership, or he realizes something completely new, having a permanent relationship.

Many Aquarius can change jobs or start a business within 2 years. Maybe you'll get a welcome promotion. The planets are so well positioned that any problems will seem easy and trivial. Try to spend the day of the eclipse - July 13 - next to loved ones. Joint walks and long journeys will affect relationships with relatives in the most positive way.

The eclipse of July 13 will add to the life of Pisces issues related to recreation, entertainment, creativity and children. You will definitely reconsider your views on these issues, for example, think that you have been working too much lately, and now it is better to take a little rest. This is a great time for the conception and birth of children or their upbringing. Something related to children will definitely appear in the life of Pisces. It is also a time of joy and a favorite hobby, which can then bring impressive income.

And to read more about the advice of charming Angela, I suggest you watch this video.
I also suggest you familiarize yourself with the tarot forecast for July 2018 from astrologer and tarologist Angela Pearl. Detailed for each zodiac sign!
Solar eclipse It is when the mind is eclipsed and you can, as Angela Pearl says, break wood. Therefore, we advise you, dear reader, not to make any important decisions during the period of July 12-13. Dedicate this time to self-development, prayer, be calm and try to think positively. And then everything will turn out in the best possible way.
The main thing to remember on July 13, 2018 – do not expect instant results and try to hide your desires from others.
If this information was useful to you, tell your friends about it on social networks!