Jerome Angela and her Union
Creativity Angela Jerome - is a great technology, a variety of subjects, as well as a love for the realities of the Soviet era, she recreates and reinvents with humor in his paintings. Looking at her paintings, with remarkable thoroughness reflecting everyday life of the USSR, you are inadvertently transported to 30-40 years ago.
Angela was born in Donetsk 50 years ago. There was a time when she was working in Moscow, but, by his own admission, Angela, she did not become a Moscow artist.
The desire to draw the Soviet Union theme is simple: "It was my childhood, there were alive favorite people, and I was good to them".
"And now all well, - says Angela. - The same people, the same problems, the same way of life, as in the USSR "
Angela Jerome does not conduct exhibitions and does not seek to draw attention to his person.
However, her work can be found in private collections all over the world: in Israel, the US, Spain.
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Angela was born in Donetsk 50 years ago. There was a time when she was working in Moscow, but, by his own admission, Angela, she did not become a Moscow artist.
The desire to draw the Soviet Union theme is simple: "It was my childhood, there were alive favorite people, and I was good to them".
"And now all well, - says Angela. - The same people, the same problems, the same way of life, as in the USSR "
Angela Jerome does not conduct exhibitions and does not seek to draw attention to his person.
However, her work can be found in private collections all over the world: in Israel, the US, Spain.

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"Your brain - the lazy bastard" or how to prevent freezing and degradation of the mind
XXI Century. How lovely)))