Office workers in Sweden is replaced by skipping chip implantation
Swedish high-tech center Epicenter предложил all interested instead of the usual magnetic cards implanted RFID-chips. The chip can be used for the passage of the building and to work with the IFIs. In the future we plan to make payment within the complex from the account of the user. The size of the chip is not more than two risinok and implanted it in the hand between the thumb and forefinger.
Hans Soblad, project manager, he implanted the chip itself: "We are all faced with the technology. Today it is quite difficult to do - we need PINs and passwords. But much easier it would be to hold your hand over the reader. This would intuitively. We need to understand the technology, while large corporations and governments begin chipovat everybody - chip for tax chip for Facebook, chip for Google »
Soblad very optimistic in terms of the use and dissemination of such practices. He is confident that the upcoming "Internet of Things" will benefit from universal chipovannosti. Devices and sensors will be able to track your activities and record them. On the basis of these data, a fitness system or who care about health, will be able to give the support chip guidance and advice.
RFID-chips has provoked not confirmed rumors that Obama is going to chipovat all Americans in order to optimize the health care system. So far, the replacement card gaps in the Epicenter runs on a voluntary basis. But readers of Slashdot comment on this news is not too friendly. Some wonder how soon each person will chipovat at birth. Others ask, do not immediately make it easier to barcode tattooed on his forehead. Still others point out that RFID-chips will soon become still needed - because now software from Facebook can распознавать persons are not worse human brain.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/245496/
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