24 hours to read: book with self-destruct mechanism

original idea belongs to the well-known best-selling author James Patterson. His new novel Private Vegas released a limited edition with built-samounichtozheniya.Elektronnye books more than 24 hours after the start of reading is erased, and the paper version of the novel Private Vegas, released in a single copy, equipped with this mechanism able to blow up a book and 24 hours after as the reader perelistnet first stranitsu.

The original course of the writer James Patterson, who until 1996 worked as a specialist in the field of advertising, and is now known as the author of numerous novels about detective Alex Cross, designed to whet the reader's interest before the release of the book Private Vegas, the standard version of which will be in stores on 26 yanvarya.

Those who can not wait to read the book before the announced release dates, will be able to buy e-books Self Destruct 1000 or redeem through auction only paper copy from the built-bomb. Starting price - 294 038 dollars. In addition, the "happy" owner of hazardous Private Vegas can dine with the author, James Patterson. The price of the lot entrance menu of five blyud.

All "explosive history" can be monitored through a special website, where, apparently, registered readers of James Patterson.