The very first in the world
Have you ever wondered what you were familiar things when they first came out? See.
Digital Camera (1975)
In December 1975, the Kodak engineer Steve Sasson (Steve Sasson) has invented a device that in a few decades will lead to a revolution in photography - the first digital camera. She had a size comparable to a toaster and allows you to take black and white pictures resolution of 100 by 100 pixels, or in modern terms, 0.01 megapixels. The process of one shot took 23 seconds, the information stored on a cassette tape. Notably, the structure of the chamber was the same as that of its current descendants, including CCD-sensor firm Fairchild Semiconductor. To view the photographed images required a special device, the photo shows on a normal TV, and read one picture took 23 seconds. And it was 34 years ago ...
Motel (1925) Motel Inn in San Luis Obispo, California, was built in 1925 by the architect from Los Angelos Arthur Heinemann (Arthur Heineman), who called the Hotel Motel, combining the words "motor" and "hotel". At first it was called Milestone Mo-Tel, the night it was worth 1.25 dollars. Arthur did not bother copyright issues, and the word "motel" is now used by thousands of small hotels for travelers worldwide.
Album Cover (1938) Earlier this point records were sold in the same brown paper boxes, but in 1938 the studio Columbia Records released the album «Smash Song Hits by Rodgers and Hart», the cover of which came up and drew a 23-year-old designer Alex Steynvess (Alex Steinweiss ), creating the world's first music album cover.
Roman (1007) More than 1,000 years ago, one of the Japanese aristocracy named Murasaki Shikubu (Murasaki Shikibu) finished writing ambitious novel «Tale of Genji», consisting of more than 350 characters, spanning more than 75 years and tells about the life of the emperor's son, and his amorous feelings other events. Now, this work can be considered the first novel.
Web server and website (1990) This happened in 1990. Address the first available site - Info.cern.ch, he worked on a computer with the operating system at the University of Next CERN, and the address of the first web-pages created by Tim Lee (Tim Berners-Lee) - info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html. Compare what happened to the internet for 19 years, and during that grew one page at this time.
Motorcycle (1885) The first motorcycle was designed and constructed in 1885 by German inventor named Gottlieb Daimler (Gottlieb Daimler) and Wilhelm Maybach (Wilhelm Maybach) from Stuttgart. Names do not like? It was a bicycle, on which hung a gasoline engine, calling Reitwagen (Walking wagon). It was, incidentally, the first vehicle with a gasoline engine.
Computer Mouse (1964) This is a miracle of engineering was established in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart, the design included two gears, perpendicular, and sensing motion along a single axis. Ergonomic body, convenient arrangement of buttons, stylish "wooden" design - these are the advantages of this manipulator. But if without jokes, then this "nedomyshki" began the development of a variety of graphical interfaces and manipulators.
Skyscraper (1885) Just think! Back in 1885 in Chicago was the first skyscraper built with steel and concrete, which housed the insurance company. In 1931 it was demolished to make way for the building of the National Bank. Nevertheless, it was the first skyscraper with internal supporting steel columns, its height at 10 floors, was 42 meters - is higher than the current 9-storey house!
MP3 player (1998) Released in 1998 by Eiger Labs, called MPMan player has internal memory of 32 MB, expandable up to 64 MB. As soon as the miracle of electronic equipment $ 69, its dimensions are 91 x 70 x 16.5 mm. It is impossible to imagine how the players will look like in 10 years if the 10 previous years they have gone from MPMan to Ipod ...
Magazine (1731) call this tabloid «The Gentleman's Magazine», the first issue was published in 1731 in London. Glevny his editor, Edward Cave (Edward Cave) wrote an article in the magazine under the pseudonym «Sylvanus Urban», and he also coined the term «magazine», ie, "Journal", by analogy with a warehouse of various military uniforms and ammunition, known in Arabic «makazin». The magazine lasted until 1907, that is almost 200 years old! I do not think that modern Cosmopolitan, and other nonsensical analogues will live longer
Digital Camera (1975)
In December 1975, the Kodak engineer Steve Sasson (Steve Sasson) has invented a device that in a few decades will lead to a revolution in photography - the first digital camera. She had a size comparable to a toaster and allows you to take black and white pictures resolution of 100 by 100 pixels, or in modern terms, 0.01 megapixels. The process of one shot took 23 seconds, the information stored on a cassette tape. Notably, the structure of the chamber was the same as that of its current descendants, including CCD-sensor firm Fairchild Semiconductor. To view the photographed images required a special device, the photo shows on a normal TV, and read one picture took 23 seconds. And it was 34 years ago ...

Motel (1925) Motel Inn in San Luis Obispo, California, was built in 1925 by the architect from Los Angelos Arthur Heinemann (Arthur Heineman), who called the Hotel Motel, combining the words "motor" and "hotel". At first it was called Milestone Mo-Tel, the night it was worth 1.25 dollars. Arthur did not bother copyright issues, and the word "motel" is now used by thousands of small hotels for travelers worldwide.

Album Cover (1938) Earlier this point records were sold in the same brown paper boxes, but in 1938 the studio Columbia Records released the album «Smash Song Hits by Rodgers and Hart», the cover of which came up and drew a 23-year-old designer Alex Steynvess (Alex Steinweiss ), creating the world's first music album cover.

Roman (1007) More than 1,000 years ago, one of the Japanese aristocracy named Murasaki Shikubu (Murasaki Shikibu) finished writing ambitious novel «Tale of Genji», consisting of more than 350 characters, spanning more than 75 years and tells about the life of the emperor's son, and his amorous feelings other events. Now, this work can be considered the first novel.

Web server and website (1990) This happened in 1990. Address the first available site - Info.cern.ch, he worked on a computer with the operating system at the University of Next CERN, and the address of the first web-pages created by Tim Lee (Tim Berners-Lee) - info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html. Compare what happened to the internet for 19 years, and during that grew one page at this time.

Motorcycle (1885) The first motorcycle was designed and constructed in 1885 by German inventor named Gottlieb Daimler (Gottlieb Daimler) and Wilhelm Maybach (Wilhelm Maybach) from Stuttgart. Names do not like? It was a bicycle, on which hung a gasoline engine, calling Reitwagen (Walking wagon). It was, incidentally, the first vehicle with a gasoline engine.

Computer Mouse (1964) This is a miracle of engineering was established in 1964 by Douglas Engelbart, the design included two gears, perpendicular, and sensing motion along a single axis. Ergonomic body, convenient arrangement of buttons, stylish "wooden" design - these are the advantages of this manipulator. But if without jokes, then this "nedomyshki" began the development of a variety of graphical interfaces and manipulators.

Skyscraper (1885) Just think! Back in 1885 in Chicago was the first skyscraper built with steel and concrete, which housed the insurance company. In 1931 it was demolished to make way for the building of the National Bank. Nevertheless, it was the first skyscraper with internal supporting steel columns, its height at 10 floors, was 42 meters - is higher than the current 9-storey house!

MP3 player (1998) Released in 1998 by Eiger Labs, called MPMan player has internal memory of 32 MB, expandable up to 64 MB. As soon as the miracle of electronic equipment $ 69, its dimensions are 91 x 70 x 16.5 mm. It is impossible to imagine how the players will look like in 10 years if the 10 previous years they have gone from MPMan to Ipod ...

Magazine (1731) call this tabloid «The Gentleman's Magazine», the first issue was published in 1731 in London. Glevny his editor, Edward Cave (Edward Cave) wrote an article in the magazine under the pseudonym «Sylvanus Urban», and he also coined the term «magazine», ie, "Journal", by analogy with a warehouse of various military uniforms and ammunition, known in Arabic «makazin». The magazine lasted until 1907, that is almost 200 years old! I do not think that modern Cosmopolitan, and other nonsensical analogues will live longer
