Curiosity sniffed again and discovered methane on Mars

NASA: rover Curiosity found incomprehensible short tenfold increase in the amount of methane in the Martian atmosphere. The rover has long sniffing atmosphere by measuring the amount of methane - the gas that can be produced, including the local life forms. This is the third time in the last twenty months, when there are such bursts.
On Earth, methane is produced by so many in the life cycle of microorganisms. While scientists warn that there are other explanations such a splash - chemical reactions of substances on the planet's surface with ultraviolet radiation, or the release of methane from under the ice, and the bombardment of meteorites. Be that as it may, the methane had disappeared from the surrounding atmosphere rover as suddenly as it had appeared. What was the reason - another mystery that scientists have to solve.
In addition, the stone from the well of Cumberland (something like "Earth difficulties"), it was possible to detect organic compounds - this is the first unambiguous proof of organics on Mars. It could either be formed on the planet or get there with meteorites.
"This is the first confirmation of the presence of organic carbon in the rock on Mars - a promising finding, - says the scientist from the team Curiosity Roger Sammons from MIT. Organic molecules are so important, because they can tell us about the ways in which they are formed and how they are stored. And this, in turn, will show us the difference between the Earth and Mars, and whether the specific environment in the crater Gale favorable for accumulation of organic material. The challenge now - to find other stones on Mount Sharp, which may contain other, perhaps richer set of organic compounds. "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/243127/