Forget about me.
In the XVI-XVII centuries, during the reign of the Safavids, in Iran it was very popular to build pigeon towers. It is noteworthy that pigeons were not domesticated for meat. In the Muslim world, the pigeon has earned respect.
It may seem strange to you, but the main reason for the domestication of pigeons is their litter. It was used to fertilize fields with melon crops, as well as cucumbers. In those days, melons were very in demand here. One of the largest cities in Iran, Isfahan, at the peak of construction, possessed about three thousand pigeon towers. To date, there are about three hundred of them throughout the country. Most of them are in an abandoned state. Built of brick towers had niches in their walls, where pigeons lived. They were not fed, but only given room for lodging and laying eggs.
It may seem strange to you, but the main reason for the domestication of pigeons is their litter. It was used to fertilize fields with melon crops, as well as cucumbers. In those days, melons were very in demand here. One of the largest cities in Iran, Isfahan, at the peak of construction, possessed about three thousand pigeon towers. To date, there are about three hundred of them throughout the country. Most of them are in an abandoned state. Built of brick towers had niches in their walls, where pigeons lived. They were not fed, but only given room for lodging and laying eggs.