Fancy pigeons in a photoshoot by Richard Bailey

Someone is associating doves with stained pavement. Someone enthusiastically spends all his free time in the dovecote. And the photographer Richard Bailey happy birds regular photo shoot to show mankind the most interesting species and the unusual coloring of the plumage. Collection of pigeons in the title role was called “Darwin's Pigeons” and a huge outcry among lovers of birds. And while readers looking at the photos, we will tell you the most interesting facts from the life of the representatives of the family columbidae.

The famous carrier pigeon could one day fly 3,000 kilometers, while developing speed up to 140 km/h. People can only envy the pigeon of allegiance. Feathered partners devoted to each other throughout his short life (20 years).

But there are cases of lesbian relationships. Liesence so well disguised that even experienced breeders can not determine fraud. Same-sex pairs mate, build nests. By the way, and there you can find confirmation of the unusual relations 4 eggs instead of two.

Of course, the main merit of pigeons is the ability to deliver the mail to the desired point. During the First world war winged mailman named "Dear friend" helped save the lives of thousands of French soldiers, carrying a letter across the front line.

Another "rescuer" — the dove that brought Noah an olive branch in its beak. But the feathered army of Princess Olga was not so peaceful. A woman wanting to avenge the death of her husband, imposed a tribute on the Drevlyane in the form of three pigeons and three sparrows, tied to the legs of birds smoldering torch, and sent home. In result the birds returned home and unwittingly burned the capital to the ground.

Today, pigeons are used in more peaceful purposes. People have bred the birds for beauty and strongly cherished Pets.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru/tags/красивые+pigeons+photo/