Out of competition: airborne combat vehicles "Bakhcha"
Maneuverable armored vehicle of universal progress, made of a new secret alloy, yesterday was officially recognized field-tested. She knows how to conduct active operations out of the water, suddenly jump out of the shelters and at the same time to hit 25 different targets located on opposite sides of BMD at a distance of 4 km. Experts point out that if the TTC "Bakhcha" confirmed during the operation, it can be considered the most advanced in the world. Ministry of Defence has ordered 1, 5 thousand of these machines.
New development "Kurgan" airborne combat vehicle "Bakhcha" in recent months, was tested at the site of the customer - Airborne, where fully confirmed its performance characteristics. "Gorgeous, deserve the highest grade machine, - said of the BMD-4M Airborne Troops commander Vladimir Shamanov. - With the adoption of its combat capabilities for service paratroops immediately increase by an order ».
Experts note that "Bakhcha" has the most firepower, the highest maneuverability and the best armor protection of all armored assault, the armament of the world. Firepower before were considered the most effective American BMP "Bradley", armed with three types of weapons with a maximum range of up to 3 km., In terms of "armor protection" topped the Swedish CV-90 system with active protection against shaped-charge projectiles CDF-3, and maneuverability all overtook the German "Marder-2", which has three degrees of freedom and an integrated stabilization system. In contrast, the Russian development has 6 types of weapons with a maximum range of up to 4 km, has a stabilization system, which allows to move with almost no angle limited speed (up to 178 degrees), compact, aviatransportabelnaya, swim in the water and under water, can put smoke curtains on the area to 0, 6 square. km.
In addition, "melons" distinguishes amazing survivability of the crew - shooting test showed that even with a direct hit four powerful cumulative projectiles, the crew remains invulnerable. "Armor BMD-4M has properties that provide an exception occurrence of debris inside the habitable compartments in the event of injury or projectile large-caliber cartridge - said assistant general manager for the production of" Kurgan & quot; Daniel Relin. This is a new aluminum alloy - lightweight but extremely durable, making "melons" is extremely effective in various conditions of use.
"Bakhcha" weighs 14 tons, allowing it to transport military transport planes. The same "Bradley" weighs almost twice as much, despite the fact that has weapons in 2, 3 times less. BMD-4 desantiruyut parachute, parachute-jet and planting methods. It is the world's only amphibious vehicle that can be landed with the crew. Innovative system of depreciation and spatial pnevmokorrektsii allows to do so that the people sitting inside, not even feel the blow on the surface with inertial speeds up to 45 km / h.
The machine is very maneuverable. It can operate even in a dense forest and swamp. Stability and increased by 50 designers l / s engine thrust allow the machine to overcome slopes of 30 degrees, it even accelerate it does not need. On the highway BMD-4 can reach speeds up to 70 km / h. To move through the water she is assisted by two water-jet engine in the rear of the machine. Afloat machine has quite a high speed of 10 km / h, the possibility of warfare and sure way out of the water on the shore, even when waves up to 3 points. High bilge funds (1500 l / min) ensure the safety car being in the water for at least 7 hours. Without refueling BMD-4M can cover a distance of up to five hundred kilometers. This allows her to fight for a few hours, breaking through the defense line of the enemy, and fall back on if the need arises.
The new swivel mechanism allows the tower almost immediately deploy it to 360 degrees. In this case, the machine itself is free to maneuver, evading anti-tank shells and missiles, thus, the very enemy shelling. Beat at one point and thus turn in either direction of the housing, it helps stabilize the special system, tower and housing rotate independently from each other - but synchronously so that paired main gun with automatic weapon can fire or the fraction of a degree without changing direction .
The machine is equipped with a triple-settings to start smoke grenades "Cloud", located on both sides of the tower. So, in an ambush or unexpectedly bumping into camouflaged enemy positions, "Bakhcha" will not be on the battlefield, target and putting masking fumes can escape the blow and strike itself. Russian arms managed to combine in one set of arms combat platform that other machines can only dream of. In the conical tower BMD mounted rigidly associated 100-mm gun and an antitank missile launcher. Range of their fire reaches 4 thousand. M. The cumulative warhead missiles breaks 700-mm armor.
Block main armament "Bakhcha" includes a 100-mm gun-launcher 2A70 with ammunition on 34 high-explosive shells and 4 missiles "Arkan", 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon with ammunition 500 shells and 7, 62-mm gun.
For accuracy and efficiency of shooting BMD equipped with a laser range finder, night vision devices, thermal imager and a means of tracking. During the tests were amazed at all the target to one that is unprecedented in history. Inside BMD provides space for hand grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft missiles "Strela-2" and "Eagle", there is mounting for automatic, mounted grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame". In the troop compartment BMD can carry up to 7 paratroopers.
Automatic fire control system, installed on the machine to be maintained aimed fire at night and in poor visibility conditions such as fog, teleteplovizionny automatic target tracking and other navigational equipment. This allows you to effectively engage targets from all weapons not only space, but also on the move and even afloat in choppy. Complex weapons effectively affects both ground and air targets, and from 100-mm gun can fire not only direct fire, but also from indirect fire "shed».
The following year the VDV expects the first batch of 64 new cars, which is a set of two battalions. In addition, next year should get 20 paratroopers desantiruemye armored "Shell" (BTR-MDM). In parallel, it is planned to complete the modernization of the self-propelled guns "Octopus". Total up to 2025 Airborne troops will receive more than 1, 5 thousand new cars BMD-4M, and more than 2, 5000 armored personnel carriers "Shell».
Experts point out that the provision of weapons and military equipment of airborne forces in Russia has become an unprecedented scale, not comparable with any army in the world. Already by 2020, the level of mobility and equipped with modern technology this arm can reach 100%. Airborne colonel retired Vladimir Nikolaychenko, who now works in the NATO adviser to the Russian military attache, said: "The attention to the airborne forces, which today is part of the state, can talk about preparing for change strategies for the use of the armed forces of a purely defensive towards operational protection of national interests anywhere in the world. This is evidenced by the resumption of large-scale program to deploy databases to ensure the Air Force and Navy in Latin America, East Asia and the Middle East, as well as the development of combat aircraft long range. As for the "Bakhcha", today is really against this machine there is no effective means of tactical level, it is a real technological breakthrough ».

New development "Kurgan" airborne combat vehicle "Bakhcha" in recent months, was tested at the site of the customer - Airborne, where fully confirmed its performance characteristics. "Gorgeous, deserve the highest grade machine, - said of the BMD-4M Airborne Troops commander Vladimir Shamanov. - With the adoption of its combat capabilities for service paratroops immediately increase by an order ».

Experts note that "Bakhcha" has the most firepower, the highest maneuverability and the best armor protection of all armored assault, the armament of the world. Firepower before were considered the most effective American BMP "Bradley", armed with three types of weapons with a maximum range of up to 3 km., In terms of "armor protection" topped the Swedish CV-90 system with active protection against shaped-charge projectiles CDF-3, and maneuverability all overtook the German "Marder-2", which has three degrees of freedom and an integrated stabilization system. In contrast, the Russian development has 6 types of weapons with a maximum range of up to 4 km, has a stabilization system, which allows to move with almost no angle limited speed (up to 178 degrees), compact, aviatransportabelnaya, swim in the water and under water, can put smoke curtains on the area to 0, 6 square. km.

In addition, "melons" distinguishes amazing survivability of the crew - shooting test showed that even with a direct hit four powerful cumulative projectiles, the crew remains invulnerable. "Armor BMD-4M has properties that provide an exception occurrence of debris inside the habitable compartments in the event of injury or projectile large-caliber cartridge - said assistant general manager for the production of" Kurgan & quot; Daniel Relin. This is a new aluminum alloy - lightweight but extremely durable, making "melons" is extremely effective in various conditions of use.

"Bakhcha" weighs 14 tons, allowing it to transport military transport planes. The same "Bradley" weighs almost twice as much, despite the fact that has weapons in 2, 3 times less. BMD-4 desantiruyut parachute, parachute-jet and planting methods. It is the world's only amphibious vehicle that can be landed with the crew. Innovative system of depreciation and spatial pnevmokorrektsii allows to do so that the people sitting inside, not even feel the blow on the surface with inertial speeds up to 45 km / h.

The machine is very maneuverable. It can operate even in a dense forest and swamp. Stability and increased by 50 designers l / s engine thrust allow the machine to overcome slopes of 30 degrees, it even accelerate it does not need. On the highway BMD-4 can reach speeds up to 70 km / h. To move through the water she is assisted by two water-jet engine in the rear of the machine. Afloat machine has quite a high speed of 10 km / h, the possibility of warfare and sure way out of the water on the shore, even when waves up to 3 points. High bilge funds (1500 l / min) ensure the safety car being in the water for at least 7 hours. Without refueling BMD-4M can cover a distance of up to five hundred kilometers. This allows her to fight for a few hours, breaking through the defense line of the enemy, and fall back on if the need arises.

The new swivel mechanism allows the tower almost immediately deploy it to 360 degrees. In this case, the machine itself is free to maneuver, evading anti-tank shells and missiles, thus, the very enemy shelling. Beat at one point and thus turn in either direction of the housing, it helps stabilize the special system, tower and housing rotate independently from each other - but synchronously so that paired main gun with automatic weapon can fire or the fraction of a degree without changing direction .
The machine is equipped with a triple-settings to start smoke grenades "Cloud", located on both sides of the tower. So, in an ambush or unexpectedly bumping into camouflaged enemy positions, "Bakhcha" will not be on the battlefield, target and putting masking fumes can escape the blow and strike itself. Russian arms managed to combine in one set of arms combat platform that other machines can only dream of. In the conical tower BMD mounted rigidly associated 100-mm gun and an antitank missile launcher. Range of their fire reaches 4 thousand. M. The cumulative warhead missiles breaks 700-mm armor.

Block main armament "Bakhcha" includes a 100-mm gun-launcher 2A70 with ammunition on 34 high-explosive shells and 4 missiles "Arkan", 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon with ammunition 500 shells and 7, 62-mm gun.
For accuracy and efficiency of shooting BMD equipped with a laser range finder, night vision devices, thermal imager and a means of tracking. During the tests were amazed at all the target to one that is unprecedented in history. Inside BMD provides space for hand grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft missiles "Strela-2" and "Eagle", there is mounting for automatic, mounted grenade launchers AGS-17 "Flame". In the troop compartment BMD can carry up to 7 paratroopers.

Automatic fire control system, installed on the machine to be maintained aimed fire at night and in poor visibility conditions such as fog, teleteplovizionny automatic target tracking and other navigational equipment. This allows you to effectively engage targets from all weapons not only space, but also on the move and even afloat in choppy. Complex weapons effectively affects both ground and air targets, and from 100-mm gun can fire not only direct fire, but also from indirect fire "shed».

The following year the VDV expects the first batch of 64 new cars, which is a set of two battalions. In addition, next year should get 20 paratroopers desantiruemye armored "Shell" (BTR-MDM). In parallel, it is planned to complete the modernization of the self-propelled guns "Octopus". Total up to 2025 Airborne troops will receive more than 1, 5 thousand new cars BMD-4M, and more than 2, 5000 armored personnel carriers "Shell».

Experts point out that the provision of weapons and military equipment of airborne forces in Russia has become an unprecedented scale, not comparable with any army in the world. Already by 2020, the level of mobility and equipped with modern technology this arm can reach 100%. Airborne colonel retired Vladimir Nikolaychenko, who now works in the NATO adviser to the Russian military attache, said: "The attention to the airborne forces, which today is part of the state, can talk about preparing for change strategies for the use of the armed forces of a purely defensive towards operational protection of national interests anywhere in the world. This is evidenced by the resumption of large-scale program to deploy databases to ensure the Air Force and Navy in Latin America, East Asia and the Middle East, as well as the development of combat aircraft long range. As for the "Bakhcha", today is really against this machine there is no effective means of tactical level, it is a real technological breakthrough ».