The technology of tactile holograms
An employee of Bristol University Benjamin Long with the team показали improved system UltraHaptics, makes you feel you "touch" to the hologram. The technology are multi-directional sound waves, which create a feeling of tactile touch the object hologram. Probably realistic "touch" is planned sufficiently high, because the creators offer as practical applications of its technology enabled physicians to examine the results tactile CT scan or a curious safely touch the museum exhibits.
Schematic diagram UltraHaptics as follows: around the holographic object are ultrasonic speakers, the direction of which depends on the position of the human hand, which performs touch. Position the palm in the air is monitored by a conventional controller LeapMotion, according to which the speakers are oriented in space and ultrasound radiation has an effect on the skin.
The scheme of work and an example of use is shown in the video:
At present the system UltraHaptics only works with relatively simple objects, such as a sphere or a pyramid. The main obstacle to the natural tactile sensation is "permission" ultrasound screen if the number of speakers per unit area was more, probably realistic touch would have been higher.
Nevertheless, the authors UltraHaptics argue that development is already interested in the company with a commercial purpose, and they are ready to present it at the exhibition in China.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242342/
Schematic diagram UltraHaptics as follows: around the holographic object are ultrasonic speakers, the direction of which depends on the position of the human hand, which performs touch. Position the palm in the air is monitored by a conventional controller LeapMotion, according to which the speakers are oriented in space and ultrasound radiation has an effect on the skin.
The scheme of work and an example of use is shown in the video:
At present the system UltraHaptics only works with relatively simple objects, such as a sphere or a pyramid. The main obstacle to the natural tactile sensation is "permission" ultrasound screen if the number of speakers per unit area was more, probably realistic touch would have been higher.
Nevertheless, the authors UltraHaptics argue that development is already interested in the company with a commercial purpose, and they are ready to present it at the exhibition in China.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242342/