In Britain, sharply increased sales of vinyl records

Rumors of the death of analog music and undivided rule of digital media were a bit exaggerated - Technical columnist Dave Lee BBC notes that over the last year in Britain has sold more than one million vinyl records.
Against the background of the fact that recently the music service Spotify strimingovyh said one billion plays, like sales figures audio on vinyl media looks really little significant, but the fact seems at least curious. Last active interest in the plates was observed 18 years ago, when Oasis album was the leader of sales; interesting to note that now sets the tone of the old guard - on top of the top sheet is Pink Floyd.
From a financial point of view, the situation is as follows: if the CD-ROM costs about £ 10, the vinyl record is already 25. turntables on Amazon can be purchased at an average $ 50, while the mp3-player, if desired, can be purchased for $ 15 . In general, experts now estimate this market of 20 million pounds, while five years ago, a similar figure was only 3 million.
BBC interviewed experts conventionally divided vinyl lovers into two separate groups. The first of them - is a relatively age category, people who grew up on vinyl and store their music on their plates customary manner, preferring to buy records, because in their time of receipt of other options simply did not exist.
Another group, by contrast, just young people (sometimes referred to as "hipster") who feel the "anonymity" of digital music; probably can be compared to those people who prefer to read paper books, despite the availability of "reading room", believing that nothing can replace a real book.
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Source: geektimes.ru/post/242078/
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