Martians and aliens
During the annual meeting of the American Physical Society in 2014 astrophysicist John Brandenburg presented his new theory that millions of years ago on Mars, there have been two nuclear explosion that destroyed the ancient civilization of the red planet. And explosions, according to the researcher, not occur naturally, they were applied from the outside, ie from space.
In other words, many millions of years ago there was a war between the Martians and some evil aliens. All living things on Mars died and the planet itself has become familiar red.
"Given the presence in the atmosphere of Mars large percentage of nuclear isotopes that resemble those that are formed during nuclear tests in the world, it can be assumed that the ancient Martian civilization was destroyed by a nuclear strike from space" - says astrophysicist.
Brandenburg study based on the high concentration in the atmosphere of Mars isotope xenon-129, as well as the abundance of uranium and thorium on the surface of the planet. According to the findings of the scientist, this concentration of the substances mentioned above could be formed as a result of several "massive radiation events".
marsiane_death_2_t1Eschё before Brandenburg (a graduate of the University of California at Davis) argued that Mars was once inhabited by two ancient civilizations, has the technology, comparable to the level of civilization of the ancient Egyptians.
Incidentally, he believes that the famous "face on Mars" - is nothing more than an artifact left over from an ancient alien civilization.
In addition, Brandenburg believes that his theory could explain the Fermi paradox - that is why until now there was no human contact with aliens, who, in theory, should have been long settled throughout the universe.
Astrophysicist encourages equip an expedition to the Red Planet with people to find traces of the dead Martian civilization.
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In other words, many millions of years ago there was a war between the Martians and some evil aliens. All living things on Mars died and the planet itself has become familiar red.
"Given the presence in the atmosphere of Mars large percentage of nuclear isotopes that resemble those that are formed during nuclear tests in the world, it can be assumed that the ancient Martian civilization was destroyed by a nuclear strike from space" - says astrophysicist.
Brandenburg study based on the high concentration in the atmosphere of Mars isotope xenon-129, as well as the abundance of uranium and thorium on the surface of the planet. According to the findings of the scientist, this concentration of the substances mentioned above could be formed as a result of several "massive radiation events".
marsiane_death_2_t1Eschё before Brandenburg (a graduate of the University of California at Davis) argued that Mars was once inhabited by two ancient civilizations, has the technology, comparable to the level of civilization of the ancient Egyptians.
Incidentally, he believes that the famous "face on Mars" - is nothing more than an artifact left over from an ancient alien civilization.
In addition, Brandenburg believes that his theory could explain the Fermi paradox - that is why until now there was no human contact with aliens, who, in theory, should have been long settled throughout the universe.
Astrophysicist encourages equip an expedition to the Red Planet with people to find traces of the dead Martian civilization.
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