"Square Descartes' - machinery decision
Often, in order to achieve results in life, you need a little self-confidence and perseverance in making decisions. Evade this not be possible, because no matter how we tried to hide from the problems life throws us will ever new challenges.
Solutions are different, small and casual, great and fateful, but all share one thing: the need to make a choice puts some people in a dead end. This is especially true in those cases where it is necessary to make a decision quickly.
Limited time getting nervous and upset even more. The problem lies not only in how to make the right decision, and how to make such a choice, which would entail the most beneficial effects. Fear of frustration as a result generates fear of making a mistake.
You stand before a choice - to do something or not to do? For example, you want to get a dog, but you have doubts. Yes, you know all the advantages of such a decision. And you know what your life without a dog. And do not know how best to proceed. Usually advised to write down on paper all the pros and cons of having a dog, but it does not always makes it perfectly clear, how best to proceed.
Technique "square Descartes' allows us to consider the situation from four different perspectives. Perform her best writing. Divide a sheet of paper into four parts and each enter the relevant paragraphs:
1. What happens if I run the dog (the pros of obtaining desired). Finally fulfilled my childhood dream of Labrador. Teach him tricks, will show off to friends, summer will carry him to the country and to go with him to pick mushrooms.
2. What will happen if I do not keep a dog (pluses of not receiving the desired). If I do not keep a dog, I will not have to somehow change their way of life.
3. What will happen if I run a dog (cons of obtaining desired). On the morning already lie in bed does not work, because it is necessary to walk. I can not rent an apartment, if the owners against pets. I can not easily move from place to place, and leave a long-lasting, multi-month trip.
4. What will not be if I did not keep a dog (cons of not receiving the desired). I will not have a friend who will be waiting for me at home from work, and with whom we can walk the walk. And my childhood dream come true.
With the last paragraph carefully, because it is too similar to the first (our subconscious likes to ignore particle "NO»)
"Square Descartes' helps to clarify the consequences of each decision. The fact is that in a situation requiring decisions, we often get stuck on one position: what if this happens? With the same "square Descartes' we consider the same situation with four opposite sides and have an opportunity to weigh the consequences of any choice.
Good luck in any decision!
Solutions are different, small and casual, great and fateful, but all share one thing: the need to make a choice puts some people in a dead end. This is especially true in those cases where it is necessary to make a decision quickly.
Limited time getting nervous and upset even more. The problem lies not only in how to make the right decision, and how to make such a choice, which would entail the most beneficial effects. Fear of frustration as a result generates fear of making a mistake.
You stand before a choice - to do something or not to do? For example, you want to get a dog, but you have doubts. Yes, you know all the advantages of such a decision. And you know what your life without a dog. And do not know how best to proceed. Usually advised to write down on paper all the pros and cons of having a dog, but it does not always makes it perfectly clear, how best to proceed.
Technique "square Descartes' allows us to consider the situation from four different perspectives. Perform her best writing. Divide a sheet of paper into four parts and each enter the relevant paragraphs:
1. What happens if I run the dog (the pros of obtaining desired). Finally fulfilled my childhood dream of Labrador. Teach him tricks, will show off to friends, summer will carry him to the country and to go with him to pick mushrooms.
2. What will happen if I do not keep a dog (pluses of not receiving the desired). If I do not keep a dog, I will not have to somehow change their way of life.
3. What will happen if I run a dog (cons of obtaining desired). On the morning already lie in bed does not work, because it is necessary to walk. I can not rent an apartment, if the owners against pets. I can not easily move from place to place, and leave a long-lasting, multi-month trip.
4. What will not be if I did not keep a dog (cons of not receiving the desired). I will not have a friend who will be waiting for me at home from work, and with whom we can walk the walk. And my childhood dream come true.
With the last paragraph carefully, because it is too similar to the first (our subconscious likes to ignore particle "NO»)
"Square Descartes' helps to clarify the consequences of each decision. The fact is that in a situation requiring decisions, we often get stuck on one position: what if this happens? With the same "square Descartes' we consider the same situation with four opposite sides and have an opportunity to weigh the consequences of any choice.
Good luck in any decision!