The largest lake
This question is often asked in school geography lessons and agree that not everyone will be able to give the correct answer. It is human nature to forget these or other data that it does not use for a long time.
So, just answer the question: the largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea. This sea-endorheic lake located on the border of Europe and Asia, and its coast belong to five states: Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan. The total area of the Caspian Sea is about 371 thousand square kilometers. In the Caspian Sea runs 130 rivers, and over its smooth surface rises about 50 islands. The maximum depth among all lakes on the planet, the Caspian Sea is only the third place with a mark of 1025 meters.

So, just answer the question: the largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea. This sea-endorheic lake located on the border of Europe and Asia, and its coast belong to five states: Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan. The total area of the Caspian Sea is about 371 thousand square kilometers. In the Caspian Sea runs 130 rivers, and over its smooth surface rises about 50 islands. The maximum depth among all lakes on the planet, the Caspian Sea is only the third place with a mark of 1025 meters.