NASA astronomers have discovered coming from the constellation Perseus pulsed signals.

Astronomers NASA and the European Space Agency found originating from the constellation Perseus pulsed signals. The wavelength range of the signal was close to the X-rays. Radio waves have been detected by the radio telescope in Puerto Rico observatory. The signal obtained from the constellation Perseus, had a difficult cyclical. Each day at the same time transmitted a short rf pulse interval which is repeated several times.

Each segment of the signal was a continuation of yesterday. Total number of such pulses was about 20. That is it - one message broken into short fragments. Then these daily broadcasts suddenly stopped. Days and nights of experts decryption and radio engineers were trying to bring these signals into a single message and decrypt them. But so far their attempts fail. Only recently released data about this earlier, everything was top secret.
Perseus is the largest object of the universe, and is located at a distance of just over 240 million light years from Earth. According to the basic assumption of the researchers observed by space, a mysterious signal from a distant constellation Perseus, emit a "sterile neutrinos" - supposedly it they are the source of the mysterious pulse. Note that the "sterile neutrino" according to the scientists, and formed the basis of the foundation for the creation of "dark matter" - the same substance that makes up most of the universe.