Obayashki and clever
Personally, I have movies that I gladly revise is not even on the second round and it is not associated with the game as the main character artist, and with the charisma of its antipode - the main villain. At some point, you catch yourself "Stockholm Syndrome" when you begin to worry about the villain, that dream was over-end bed and the enfant terrible prevailed.
Villains in movies a lot, but in this collection I was interested only clever villain who is interesting to empathize with whom interesting rival, which honorable defeat.
So here's my ducat "smart" top kinozlodeev:
1. "Stan" Stansfield ("Leon", 1994.).
Motto: "I do not enjoy killing people who do not want to live».
Clever and quirky junkie who loves classical music - why not a modern ideal villain. Not owning martial arts skills and vocational training killers (unlike his opponent, Leon), has a huge advantage - he is smart. But against grenades and he is powerless.
2. Mr. Zorg ("The Fifth Element", 1997)
Motto: "If you want to do something good - do it yourself!»
As can be understood by a second nomination, Gary Oldman roles are very charismatic villains, and in conjunction with the director Luc Besson - a real kinokokteyl Molotov. Psycho Zorg - confident in himself and his actions, firmly but easily lose psychological balance if something went wrong, the villain of the future.
3. Gabriel Shire ("Password" Swordfish ", 2001)
Credo: "Gabriel: You are not able to think globally, Stanley. Here's the scenario: you can heal all the sick in the world, but for that you have to kill a small child. You kill him, Stan?
Stanley: None.
Gabriel: You disappoint me. This is a great blessing! »
Villain romantic, really believes in what he is doing for the good of his country, despite all the death and destruction that it should be. A little sentimental, it is difficult to kill someone with whom there was operedelennaya psychological connection.
4. Le Chiffre ("Casino Royale", 2006)
Motto: "Do you believe in God, Mr. Le Chiffre? No. I believe in a reasonable rate of return »
Mathematician, calculating player who managed to beat the poker of James Bond. "One-Eyed Bandit" - is about him. The only thing he lacked - is its good security service, and that it ruined.
5. Vincent ("Collateral", 2004)
Credo: "You killed him? No, I just shot a bullet killed him »
This ruthless "Urban Wolf" with the skills of a professional assassin, purposeful, clearly going to the goal, even if it puts it on the line between life and death.
6. Hans Landa ("Inglorious Bastards", 2009)
Motto: "A rare trait allows me so successfully hunt for Jews. I, unlike most German soldiers know how to think like a Jew. The others think only the Germans, but rather, as the German soldiers ».
One of the most charming villains of recent years, rightfully transformed from actor Christoph Waltz for a narrow circle into a worldwide star. Looking at Hans is not surprising successes of the Germans at the beginning of the war.
7. Hannibal Lecter ("Silence of the Lambs", 1990)
Motto: "I have for dinner tonight will be an old friend»
This villain in the views and needs no epithets. Look prepare to cast cobra - it can be read in the eyes of the hero of Anthony Hopkins.
8. Neil McCauley ("Fight", 1995)
Motto: "Never bear in life is nothing that you could not throw for thirty seconds if whiff of fried».
The most "team" villain having his clear principles and willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of his team. No luck to him only with the enemy, who was also willing to fight to the end.
9. The Joker ("The Dark Knight", 2008)
Motto: "If you know how something, do not do it for free»
Even after seeing the death of the Joker, until the end and it is impossible to believe, always thought that this "smiling clown" and wriggled like a phoenix is about to be reborn from the ashes. One of the worst types of villains, smart and at the same time is not afraid of death.
10. Gordon Gekko ("Wall Street", 1987)
Credo: "Greed - it's good. It works! »
In today's world Gekko already looks not a villain, but somehow a hero, becoming the prototype of the modern oligarchs. And it really works!
As a replacement on the bench remained Hans Gruber ("Die Hard") and John Doe ("Seven"). I would be glad if you can offer more worthy contenders in this short list.
Villains in movies a lot, but in this collection I was interested only clever villain who is interesting to empathize with whom interesting rival, which honorable defeat.
So here's my ducat "smart" top kinozlodeev:
1. "Stan" Stansfield ("Leon", 1994.).
Motto: "I do not enjoy killing people who do not want to live».
Clever and quirky junkie who loves classical music - why not a modern ideal villain. Not owning martial arts skills and vocational training killers (unlike his opponent, Leon), has a huge advantage - he is smart. But against grenades and he is powerless.

2. Mr. Zorg ("The Fifth Element", 1997)
Motto: "If you want to do something good - do it yourself!»
As can be understood by a second nomination, Gary Oldman roles are very charismatic villains, and in conjunction with the director Luc Besson - a real kinokokteyl Molotov. Psycho Zorg - confident in himself and his actions, firmly but easily lose psychological balance if something went wrong, the villain of the future.

3. Gabriel Shire ("Password" Swordfish ", 2001)
Credo: "Gabriel: You are not able to think globally, Stanley. Here's the scenario: you can heal all the sick in the world, but for that you have to kill a small child. You kill him, Stan?
Stanley: None.
Gabriel: You disappoint me. This is a great blessing! »
Villain romantic, really believes in what he is doing for the good of his country, despite all the death and destruction that it should be. A little sentimental, it is difficult to kill someone with whom there was operedelennaya psychological connection.

4. Le Chiffre ("Casino Royale", 2006)
Motto: "Do you believe in God, Mr. Le Chiffre? No. I believe in a reasonable rate of return »
Mathematician, calculating player who managed to beat the poker of James Bond. "One-Eyed Bandit" - is about him. The only thing he lacked - is its good security service, and that it ruined.

5. Vincent ("Collateral", 2004)
Credo: "You killed him? No, I just shot a bullet killed him »
This ruthless "Urban Wolf" with the skills of a professional assassin, purposeful, clearly going to the goal, even if it puts it on the line between life and death.

6. Hans Landa ("Inglorious Bastards", 2009)
Motto: "A rare trait allows me so successfully hunt for Jews. I, unlike most German soldiers know how to think like a Jew. The others think only the Germans, but rather, as the German soldiers ».
One of the most charming villains of recent years, rightfully transformed from actor Christoph Waltz for a narrow circle into a worldwide star. Looking at Hans is not surprising successes of the Germans at the beginning of the war.

7. Hannibal Lecter ("Silence of the Lambs", 1990)
Motto: "I have for dinner tonight will be an old friend»
This villain in the views and needs no epithets. Look prepare to cast cobra - it can be read in the eyes of the hero of Anthony Hopkins.

8. Neil McCauley ("Fight", 1995)
Motto: "Never bear in life is nothing that you could not throw for thirty seconds if whiff of fried».
The most "team" villain having his clear principles and willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of his team. No luck to him only with the enemy, who was also willing to fight to the end.

9. The Joker ("The Dark Knight", 2008)
Motto: "If you know how something, do not do it for free»
Even after seeing the death of the Joker, until the end and it is impossible to believe, always thought that this "smiling clown" and wriggled like a phoenix is about to be reborn from the ashes. One of the worst types of villains, smart and at the same time is not afraid of death.

10. Gordon Gekko ("Wall Street", 1987)
Credo: "Greed - it's good. It works! »
In today's world Gekko already looks not a villain, but somehow a hero, becoming the prototype of the modern oligarchs. And it really works!
As a replacement on the bench remained Hans Gruber ("Die Hard") and John Doe ("Seven"). I would be glad if you can offer more worthy contenders in this short list.