In Kuwait, the very division by quarters.
In Kuwait completely banned spirits. That's generally do not sell, and if they find on the border and can send home. But in terms of clothes for women are no limits. Although all local, of course, dressed in black bags.
Residential areas, migrant workers live here. In Kuwait, the very division by quarters. There are Egyptian, Indian there, there are European. In this case, a Hindu can not move into the house, where they live Europeans in the ads always clarifies who can buy or rent an apartment in the house. For example: "Only for Americans and Europeans».
In Kuwait, the summer is very hot, up to 50. At many intersections are drinking fountains.
Tourism is not developed. Get a tourist visa in my opinion impossible. In winter, there is very strong cold wind, and in the summer heat under 50. Added to this is a strict ban on hard liquor and dirty empty sea.
Kuwaiti goes on the market and points of interest in the products. Behind him walks a special guest worker and wears bags.
1 KWD - 141.23 RUB

Residential areas, migrant workers live here. In Kuwait, the very division by quarters. There are Egyptian, Indian there, there are European. In this case, a Hindu can not move into the house, where they live Europeans in the ads always clarifies who can buy or rent an apartment in the house. For example: "Only for Americans and Europeans».

In Kuwait, the summer is very hot, up to 50. At many intersections are drinking fountains.

Tourism is not developed. Get a tourist visa in my opinion impossible. In winter, there is very strong cold wind, and in the summer heat under 50. Added to this is a strict ban on hard liquor and dirty empty sea.

Kuwaiti goes on the market and points of interest in the products. Behind him walks a special guest worker and wears bags.

1 KWD - 141.23 RUB