Than today are fed in modern trains

On the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow looked into the restaurant car speed train Sapsan.

Sat down at the table and found just such an interesting tablet. Admit such generosity was surprised, but it is also the conductor waiter quickly lowered me down to earth, explaining that it is for those who bought a ticket directly to the restaurant car. Turns out to be possible and so.
It turns out that if all the tickets in the restaurant car snap up, the others will have to refrain from eating.

Drinks for quite sane price for a train.

Took the "Baikal" for 70 rubles and remembered childhood

Cream soup for 250 rubles

I did not know in what form it will bring, so afraid to take a hodgepodge, after all low flying at a speed of about 200 km / h would not want to upset the soup itself.

Cream is thick and it is useful on the road, brought it into spetsiannoy circle. The taste is quite acceptable, considering that this restaurant car even pleased.

Asked salad "Caesar", but it was not, it is certainly negative, had to take a "Greek" for 300 rubles.

Packed in a box.

Yes, three hundred and more could distribute, and then just a little, to taste the most ordinary fresh salad.

Well, as a main dish took a sandwich with salmon, but it is also not proved to be the only tuna for 180 rubles.

Looking quite normal.

The taste is not bad, it is possible.
Admit not the most profitable lunch, spent 800 rubles, but given that it's high-speed train, which can be quite a while away some time from the general four hours of travel, I think lunch acceptable.
And you eat on the road, where and how?

Source: nemihail.livejournal.com