Nicely polunatila

night the little Thea in a dream wearing shoes and left the house. She overcame long kilometer tunnel, get to the nearby town and there sat down on the threshold of another house. At night the storm raged, and the temperature was below zero, but the girl on which clothes were only panties, not even prostudilas.Kristin Dale Sorensen, aunt girls: "At night she left home. The last five kilometers, because she dreamed that the house on fire. That was then fled. And he says that was a good girl, because running down the sidelines to avoid being hit by a car ».

What little girl of five years has made this trek in a dream, it is a unique case, experts say. For doctors somnambulism - a special case of epilepsy, the closure of brain centers. But where the body draws reserves to, for example, as a woman of 84 years, climb on the roofs and why all these supernormal abilities are lost if a person awaken, still a mystery.
Source: www.ntv.ru/novosti/1215179/#ixzz3DX4ARmoT