The dwarf of the dwarfs
Most of you are awarded the title of the smallest and the Vatican will be right. But only partly. If based international law, then the smallest gosudarstvopodobnym education is considered the Order of Malta.
It is noteworthy that the Order of Malta has all the attributes related public education. The official language of the State dwarf is "dead" Latin language, or, as we were accustomed to, Latin. Founded the order in 1099, the year.
Its capital is considered Palazzo Malta in Rome.
That is, this is another state within the Roman capital, in addition to the Vatican. Total area - 0, 012 square kilometers. Let us return to the state. The Order of Malta is an observer to the UN, it has more than a hundred diplomats in different countries and in 32 countries passport holders of the "dwarf" can enter without a visa.
Besides the above-mentioned capital, the Order of Malta still belong: Backbone villa in the Aventine and Fort St. Angelo in Malta.

It is noteworthy that the Order of Malta has all the attributes related public education. The official language of the State dwarf is "dead" Latin language, or, as we were accustomed to, Latin. Founded the order in 1099, the year.

Its capital is considered Palazzo Malta in Rome.

That is, this is another state within the Roman capital, in addition to the Vatican. Total area - 0, 012 square kilometers. Let us return to the state. The Order of Malta is an observer to the UN, it has more than a hundred diplomats in different countries and in 32 countries passport holders of the "dwarf" can enter without a visa.

Besides the above-mentioned capital, the Order of Malta still belong: Backbone villa in the Aventine and Fort St. Angelo in Malta.