Hoverbike: flying transport is becoming more real

Habré already mentioned several times flying vehicles, including a flying motorcycle from Chris Ello. Yet in 2011 the engineer presented his own version of a flying motorcycle, Hoverbike, and now he collects funds for industrial implementation of their project.
Now ready version Drone 3 in 1/3 of the actual size, show the reality of the project. Instead of man riding on the test version plastic model, similar to the robot.
As already mentioned, Chris Ella has long been inspired by the idea of creating an air vehicle, inexpensive and personal. Prototypes have shown that the project is real, but, of course, it all costs money.

And Chris decided to collect money on Kickstarter, to finally realize his project, and start producing motorcycles personal air for everyone. Contributions can be made any, from 1 pound. Model flying transporter, Drone 3, will be available for vzsnos 900 pounds and above.

Over 2,000 pounds contributor invited to England, settling in a 5 star hotel, and will be familiar with the project in the studio, giving a full-scale version of the ride Hoverbike. Adjust release full transport Hoverbike Chris hopes the money raised from the sale of Drone 3.
Complete Hoverbike can be used as a vehicle for entertainment and for any work. Aussie Chris himself, so seeing one of the applications for the Hoverbike - trucks for ranchers :)
Via popsci
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/234585/
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