Gomel piranha
About an unusual production told Ruslan Ilnitsky, sailor lifeguard post OSVOD, which is located on the cascade lakes Volotovo. He photographed the trophy. According to Ruslan, the fish caught today in the third stage on the lake feeder. Baited served Styrofoam ball.
- Catch it one of the fishermen, they are there every day - said a senior post. - But such a miracle, I see for the first time, while on duty here since the beginning of the season. Man, to put it mildly, surprised. Long wondered what to do with it now. Blew booty home in disarray.
4 photos via gomelnews
It is noteworthy that, according to Ruslan Ilnitsky to the rescuers had already contacted a woman complained that her in the water someone bites.
Ichthyology, however, specify that the image is likely Tambaqui - fish piranhas family. They can grow up to a meter or more in length, have powerful jaws with teeth similar to human. They eat both plants and aquatic animals.
- Catch it one of the fishermen, they are there every day - said a senior post. - But such a miracle, I see for the first time, while on duty here since the beginning of the season. Man, to put it mildly, surprised. Long wondered what to do with it now. Blew booty home in disarray.
4 photos via gomelnews

It is noteworthy that, according to Ruslan Ilnitsky to the rescuers had already contacted a woman complained that her in the water someone bites.
Ichthyology, however, specify that the image is likely Tambaqui - fish piranhas family. They can grow up to a meter or more in length, have powerful jaws with teeth similar to human. They eat both plants and aquatic animals.