NASA is preparing an illustrated "ABC" on the Orion mission for children and adults
Orion - new spacecraft NASA, diameter of 5, 3 meters and weighing 25 tons. That this ship in the near future will already be used for the delivery of goods and people into space.
For example, Orion will deliver astronauts to study the asteroid . Moreover, most likely, the spacecraft will take people to Mars. And in order to get people interested in the upcoming events in the world of space exploration, NASA released an illustrated guide to the ABC-Orion mission for children and their parents.
This guide provides basic ABC-terms (for example, & quot; Apogee & quot;) of astronomy, as well as the mission itself Orion. All of this information is set out more than is available, so that even the most distant from the technology and science people understand what's what.
I think that in such form and shall provide the information to, as they say, primary and secondary school age - in fact the current generation of children and adolescents will explore space through 5-10-15 years. Would like to see such publications had more.
Here are a few ready-made illustrations from "ABC" (of course, it is in English):
The ABCs of Orion until "K" is available here .
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/233047/
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