Jean Reno. Total 66

The first commercially successful film by Luc Besson, Jean Reno got a difficult character - a silent, even autistic drummer. For his hero rhythm was the meaning of life. It was this work was the starting point in the career of 37-year-old Jean Reno. The actor is so light and thin accustomed to the complex dramatic character, which all turned out to see why this film after he became famous.

Big Blue
Again, Luc Besson invites Reno play in his film, but now in the lead role. Based on a true story film tells the story of two friends freedivers who vie with each other "in a life-and-death." Jean Reno moved to the screen image of a violent and reckless Enzo Molinari, who called his best friend to a duel with destiny. Once again, he showed that in addition to its charismatic appearance he can offer viewers more and excellent acting.

The fact that Jean Reno can be quite different, not scary, and very funny and even romantic world learned after the release of the fantastic comedy "Aliens." The role of the valiant knight Godefroy Amaury de Molphey, Comte de Montmirail, de Epremon Papankur and become a new milestone in the career of the actor. This purebred French comedy that can amuse anyone brought Jean Reno adoration of the public, and made him the favorite of women.

If not classic, then at least - one of the most iconic era of the nineties. And perhaps best tape featuring Jean Reno. His Leon - not just a cold-blooded killer. He has feelings, he complex and multifaceted. In his spare time, he goes to musicals, is engaged in gymnastics and cares for best friend - ridiculous potted flower. And he takes care of the girls whose parents butchered. He teaches her the best that he can.

After the movie "Leon" and "Nikita" type assassin firmly entrenched behind Jean Reno. Again he played a killer, now I paired with Robert de Niro. This man's action movie where everything is as it should be - car chases, fights, shootings. In general, classical.

Crimson Rivers
In this dark thriller Renault reveals new aspects of his talent. His character - unflappable, hard, thoughtful detective Nemans. In the course of the film he purposefully and relentlessly unravels the complicated tangle of serial killings. Watch Jean Reno in this role - a pleasure. He is cool and unsociable, but his lively and intelligent gaze involuntarily causes sympathetic hero.

Another brainchild of the creative union of Jean Reno and Luc Besson, born in bright Japanese scenery. This is both a comedy and detective drama, and even a thriller. Hero Reno - brutal policeman, came to Japan to take care of his daughter. And in addition, according to the laws of films Besson, bullets flying, expensive cars are broken without mercy, broken legs, arms, and justice prevails. Of course, immense charisma Reno foreground.

Play assassins for Jean Reno as well as usual, like brushing your teeth. Here in this comedy he performed in their usual roles. Only now he has a running mate appeared mentally retarded strongman (Gerard Depardieu), from friendship with whom the hero Renaud whole movie trying to hide. Who would have thought, but Jean can play a great killer and comedy. The film only benefit from this.

The tiger and the snow
Roberto Benigni took a sad and romantic film, which takes place during the American invasion of Iraq. Two starring he and his wife, and the third he has entrusted to Jean Reno. Here Reno turned into Iraqi poet - a passionate patriot of his country, who can not tolerate abuse of the homeland. Magnificent experience that revealed another facet of acting talent Reno.

Easy and delicious comedy that proves once again that Jean Reno - an actor who can play anyone. Versatile talent who can easily move from roles harsh detectives to nice, ordinary people with mundane problems and vulnerability. Here his hero Alexander - star chef, is facing a crisis in the profession. He comes to the aid of cheerful young talent, and together they stormed the brutal restaurant business, without losing his wonderful sense of humor.

Source: www.kinopoisk.ru