Wedding at McDonalds

More and more young couples in Hong Kong celebrate weddings in fast food restaurants McDonald's, not to spend too much money on a celebration. Wedding at McDonalds costs only 350 dollars, and this amount includes the hall, and its decoration, and products, and sound, and even gifts and invitations. A dream wedding has only one drawback - many years later would have to admit to their children that celebrated at McDonalds. However, not all concerned about it, and the demand for wedding celebration is in this network is constantly growing. Open 15 additional branches to suit all comers.

The "Wedding" started in 2011, after the young couple became interested celebrations there. The fact that it is in many McDonalds occurs first date, and this place is considered to be a very romantic place. And the wedding - it is the logical conclusion of the love story. Wedding program includes four packages for every budget - the most expensive - Love Forever - at a price of $ 1290, and the cheapest - Party happiness - 372 dollars. The package includes Love Forever decorated hall, wedding gifts, made of beads wedding rings McDonald, bridal bouquet, cake and much drugoe.

"Party of happiness" is not so saturated - it includes only the food, places for 20 guests, the hall is decorated with not so rich. Nevertheless, this is a very low cost, compared with the average wedding in the same US which is worth 30 000 dollars. While the program only works in Hong Kong, but soon you can expect its appearance in other countries.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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