MILEX 2014. Exhibition of arms. Sketch
Rhetorical question - if you ride past the exhibition every day, as soon as you're at it get. The correct answer is - probably the last day. Here I am in the same way each time driving to work past the Minsk-Arena and looking at the radar posts and deployed armored vehicles, each time thinking, "Oh, I'll go tomorrow ..." In the end it turned out that on Saturday, the last day ...
The last day is fraught with the fact that many have already collapsed and half of all the good you can just do not see it. So I have just happened. Therefore, from the full story about the exhibition it all turned into a sketch.
Please note that the exhibition in Minsk - it is not the event, which is driven by the latest developments, so that new products can not expect more - just a working meeting. However, the common people like me still had to take a look at that.
So, in fact, the exhibition was held in Minsk from 9 to 12 July in the Minsk Arena. Yes, exactly where two months ago took the world hockey championship. More precisely, in the same complex, but the closed part of the exhibition is not located in the central arena and in the building of short-track.
2. For a start - a small survey techniques WWII. This technique is all on the go, at the head of the column was held in celebration of the 70 th Anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Germans.
PT-76, lives on the Stalin Line
3. T-55A
4. T-44 later release, with dopbronirovaniem. Also a guest with Stalin Line
5. IS-3
6. ISU-152. Hmm, I forgot to warn students in the frame will be very much. For Saturday, vacation, holiday, military equipment ... Pichalka
7. IS-2M, postwar modification
8. Su-100
9. T-34-85. This is the guest of any military unit. This "Red" regularly flashed on any thematic events
10. T-34 sample '43 with punching tower. Rare thing, though, and hybrid - hull and turret from different tanks. Also with Stalin Line
11. BT-7 earlier releases. Pride (for which you have the BT-7 on the go see?) And sadness (because it is not restored ekszemplyar, engine and so much inside - someone else's). Stalinets
12. A pair of guns. Zis-3
13. 45-ka (53-K)
14. Zil-157 with monstrous pogryzennoy grille and wings. With the installation of the BM-13. Every time crying when I see it ...
15. ZIS-5 with a bunch of borrowing from the Gas-52
16. Another not very good recovery unit - GAZ-AA in an attempt of being a GAZ-MM. Looks like people to regain bends the wings, so molded square "kagbe military option." Well then, do not folding and body, remove one headlight, doors, front brakes ...
On the doors, by the way, there is also trouble
17. Completes hits "old" technology Gas-67B
18. Finally, the transition to modernity. The first should mordovorot "Cleaver." About these machines post on PL-e already had. That is to say, the cargo version
19. mordovorotov smaller - Toros. Sanitary, as you might guess
20. Well ... eeee ... passenger version. the size of a good KamAZ
21. Photos from the rear angle
22. This is what I said - a radar post already rolled
23. Very light aircraft. For pupils)))
24. While fotkali, the unit was formed
The last day is fraught with the fact that many have already collapsed and half of all the good you can just do not see it. So I have just happened. Therefore, from the full story about the exhibition it all turned into a sketch.
Please note that the exhibition in Minsk - it is not the event, which is driven by the latest developments, so that new products can not expect more - just a working meeting. However, the common people like me still had to take a look at that.
So, in fact, the exhibition was held in Minsk from 9 to 12 July in the Minsk Arena. Yes, exactly where two months ago took the world hockey championship. More precisely, in the same complex, but the closed part of the exhibition is not located in the central arena and in the building of short-track.

2. For a start - a small survey techniques WWII. This technique is all on the go, at the head of the column was held in celebration of the 70 th Anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Germans.
PT-76, lives on the Stalin Line

3. T-55A

4. T-44 later release, with dopbronirovaniem. Also a guest with Stalin Line

5. IS-3

6. ISU-152. Hmm, I forgot to warn students in the frame will be very much. For Saturday, vacation, holiday, military equipment ... Pichalka

7. IS-2M, postwar modification

8. Su-100

9. T-34-85. This is the guest of any military unit. This "Red" regularly flashed on any thematic events

10. T-34 sample '43 with punching tower. Rare thing, though, and hybrid - hull and turret from different tanks. Also with Stalin Line

11. BT-7 earlier releases. Pride (for which you have the BT-7 on the go see?) And sadness (because it is not restored ekszemplyar, engine and so much inside - someone else's). Stalinets

12. A pair of guns. Zis-3

13. 45-ka (53-K)

14. Zil-157 with monstrous pogryzennoy grille and wings. With the installation of the BM-13. Every time crying when I see it ...

15. ZIS-5 with a bunch of borrowing from the Gas-52

16. Another not very good recovery unit - GAZ-AA in an attempt of being a GAZ-MM. Looks like people to regain bends the wings, so molded square "kagbe military option." Well then, do not folding and body, remove one headlight, doors, front brakes ...
On the doors, by the way, there is also trouble

17. Completes hits "old" technology Gas-67B

18. Finally, the transition to modernity. The first should mordovorot "Cleaver." About these machines post on PL-e already had. That is to say, the cargo version

19. mordovorotov smaller - Toros. Sanitary, as you might guess

20. Well ... eeee ... passenger version. the size of a good KamAZ

21. Photos from the rear angle

22. This is what I said - a radar post already rolled

23. Very light aircraft. For pupils)))

24. While fotkali, the unit was formed