If you have planned to repair and glazed balcony, then it's time to think about increasing its usable area by fans. You can use the following methods:
1Uvelichenie floor space on the plate (usually up to 50 cm).
2Vypolnenie removal on the windowsill (typically 40-50 cm). This sets the frame glazing shall be submitted to the distance beyond the balcony.
3Odnovremennoe increase in floor area and the implementation of the removal on the windowsill.

1Znachitelnoe extension of the balcony due to the increase of available floor space.
2 Production of a wide sill, and not to the detriment of the original area of the balcony.
3Pridanie original and unique appearance.
4Obespechenie good light due to large glass area.
5Usilenie power structures balconies.

The order of the work


Installation of roof

Thermal insulation and ventilation

Preparation of floor heating

Interior finish

An important role is played by the correct glazed balcony


Well, if you decide to hire hard workers, choose carefully, and it is better not drinking!