Red Sails in 2014 in St. Petersburg

Photos and text Marina Lystseva
The roof is partially restored and installed around the perimeter of the new footbridge.

Time about an hour the night before the show minutes 50.

To reach colleagues, standing on the second ledge of the bridge did not work - too weak bond with so many people

The arrow lit five fireballs. One hid around the corner.

One camera (Canon 5DM3 + 12-24 Sigma) I set to automatic mode and she shot a series of pictures with a 5-second delay when the diaphragm 16. Also at the foot of the tripod was fixed goupro.

While waiting for the start, take a few postcard species.

Famous Neptune with trident.

Burners and lasers rostral column.

Fly in the ointment from a colleague:
Install the camera in the direction of arrows - it worked the first and just at the moment when they began to shoot, I began to get some fotokorrepondentka. It is very "time" darted in front of the lens, stomping the catwalk, and while I'm at it distracted, did not have time to rearrange the camera to the right and shoot with the shooting was a screw up. THANK YOU, damn. Came to the roof - do not interfere with colleagues. Stand up in advance at the selected point!

New special effect with twinkling lights on the water looked very beautiful and unusual.

430-meter pontoon with working Nizami and top with barges.

Burners on the pontoon also clearly seen.

Total 25,000 charges were released into the sky that night.

Involved about 200 personnel - pyrotechnics, svetoviki, lazarschiki.


Preparing for the holiday takes about three weeks, and the idea of the program is brewing for nearly a year.

It is said that some photographer on the waterfront for beautiful shots climbed a toilet cubicle with a tripod and camera and fell inside, after breaking the roof! Roof plastic toilet withstand no more than 30-40 kg.

This year the fireworks were launched about 30% more than in the past.

At the Peter and Paul Fortress near the laser also sat our photographer.

In the middle of the program works Troitsky Bridge.

At this point, sailboat approaching the alignment of the raised Trinity.


Desyatochka celebration.

There is of course a shorter shutter speed should have been done.

After shooting Trinity sailboat with scarlet sails out into the Neva.

Breakfast "Three Crowns».

And gold kolobahi pysch-pysch.

From my perspective sailboat was visible for three minutes.

Somewhere in here, he turned around and went back.

The final gold and silver on a short excerpt. Canon 1DX + 16-35, Aperture 5.6, 1/30 sec.

At the same time Canon 5DM3 + 12-24 Sigma 5 sec, aperture 18.


Here's a beauty!

Source: newslol.net