Students at MIT have gathered to send a time capsule to Mars in 2017
A team of students MIT, Stanford, Duke University and the University of Connecticut in the time capsule zalёt audio and video seals with youtube, photos and text messages and send them to Mars in a spaceship that is based on microsatellites Cubesat .
Fortunately, the shipping time capsule is not the only goal of the mission despite the name Time Capsule to Mars . The first is the opportunity to test new technologies interplanetary flight: actually made up of three 12-kilogram satellites Cubesat-ship and developed at the MIT plasma engines.
In case of a successful landing on Mars, the team will test the technology of the Internet for deep space and quartz storage media , which theoretically can store terabytes of data, millions years. They also plan to conduct experiments aimed at training health preservation astronauts during future distant flights. In general, a ship so packed with innovations that do not even believe that it will take off.
The name of the project is intended to slightly popiaritsya the idea of space travel: & quot; remind people that we are moving into space to promote humanity . & quot;
Budget ideas is estimated at $ 25 million, and in its preparation involves many organizations, including NASA. If all goes according to plan, the spacecraft project Time Capsule to Mars with a message of humanity to himself in the future leave the Earth in 2017.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227511/

Fortunately, the shipping time capsule is not the only goal of the mission despite the name Time Capsule to Mars . The first is the opportunity to test new technologies interplanetary flight: actually made up of three 12-kilogram satellites Cubesat-ship and developed at the MIT plasma engines.
In case of a successful landing on Mars, the team will test the technology of the Internet for deep space and quartz storage media , which theoretically can store terabytes of data, millions years. They also plan to conduct experiments aimed at training health preservation astronauts during future distant flights. In general, a ship so packed with innovations that do not even believe that it will take off.
The name of the project is intended to slightly popiaritsya the idea of space travel: & quot; remind people that we are moving into space to promote humanity . & quot;
Budget ideas is estimated at $ 25 million, and in its preparation involves many organizations, including NASA. If all goes according to plan, the spacecraft project Time Capsule to Mars with a message of humanity to himself in the future leave the Earth in 2017.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227511/
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