Laser message from space

Radio communication with the International Space Station comes at a very low speed, but in the future everything can change. June 5, 2014 at the ISS earned Laser modem , who repeatedly transmitted to Earth video in HD-quality with the words "Hello world".
The laser is clearly visible in the photo.

If you experiment with the laser system called OPALS (Optical Payload for Lasercomm Science) completed successfully, it will be a significant upgrade for the ISS. Scientists compared the upgrade from dial-up to the replacement of DSL: speed increase in 10-1,000 times, compared with the current.
True, it's not so easy: you need to keep in touch accurately aim the laser on board the receiving device in the observatory. This is despite the fact that the station is moving at a speed of 7, 6 kilometers per second relative to the Earth's surface.
To adjust the orbital laser his first "highlight" from Earth. OPALS turned on my 2, 5-watt laser and sent back the coded impulse towards the original signal.
June 5 test transmission lasted 148 seconds and reached a maximum transfer rate of 50 Mbit / s. One movie copied for 3, 5 seconds, although the usual radio transmit it to 10 minutes.
Total of 148 seconds transfer OPALS successfully kept sight, not the laser beam is deflected by more than 0 and 01 °.
It is worth noting also that the OPALS delivered to the ISS private cargo ship Space-X Dragon Spring 2014.
Private spaceships, laser communication in space - can we have already in the future?
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/227303/
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