Riddles artifacts

This figure - has long been known in the world of the artifact. It is located in the Spanish city of Salamanca - adorns one of the cathedrals. But not one that was built in 1102 - the so-called Old Cathedral (Catedral Vieja), and later - New (Catedral Nueva), built in the period from 1513 to 1733. A difference of almost 500 years, we need to understand unprincipled. And while there was astronauts. And yet, on the wall of the cathedral it is. Yes, even in shoes with ribbed soles ...
In church circles runs a version that shows the molding of a demon that is hosted on the wall, in order to scare away the dark forces.

The secret is simple. Astronaut appeared in the process of restoration of the cathedral, which was made in 1992. That is, it was then that he was sculpted - in the image of real astronauts. Mystery "medieval astronaut" revealed another 22 years ago. But thanks to the Internet and ignorant bloggers theme pops up periodically.

Medieval astronaut does not yield an image of embossed characters on the frieze Ossirian - the underground part of the temple of Abydos in Egypt, where, according to legend, was buried the head of Osiris - the chief of the Egyptian god. The temple is built of Pharaoh Seti, who ruled nearly 3,500 years ago.

The first thing that catches the eye - the device is strikingly similar to a helicopter: body, tail, propeller, streamlined cabin. Near squat tank with a long gun. Below him whether cargo plane, or submarine. Even lower enthusiasts uglyadyvayut hovercraft. Especially impressionable see in the right corner with a radar installation plate antenna.

By coincidence puzzle "Egyptian helicopter" and other equipment depicted in the Temple, was solved in the same 1992. A group of archaeologists from the Munich Institute of Egyptology, studying the picture, came to the conclusion that its time to finish, and "technique" has acquired modern features. In fact, all these "design" before were just characters. Experts have restored them, learned and claim that they represent only the names - whether the mistress of the Pharaoh Seti, or his son - Ramses II.

The temple of Ta Prohm was built in what is now Cambodia in 1186 and was a member of the cult bands of Angkor - the ancient capital of the country. He was again found in the jungle in the middle of the XIX century. Temple fascinates with its mystical wildness - ancient stones entangled in the roots of trees.

On one wall of Ta Prohm found well preserved bas-relief. Even novice paleontologist say that it shows Stegosaurus (Stegosaurus) - Raptor with bony plates on the back, which became extinct 65 million years ago. Where did he come from here? A thousand years ago, people did not know how dinosaurs looked. That's really really a mystery to solve it is not yet possible.