IBM received a patent for a new technology to combat Internet fraud
IBM has recently announced a patent for a new technology to combat online fraud, based on monitoring and analysis of behavioral factors. The technology is called "fraud detection system based on the analysis of the interaction between the user and the browser."
Simply put, the system analyzes user behavior and its method of operation in the network, with certain sites, including bank resources and online shopping. Every user has a certain "course of conduct" on these sites by clicking on certain elements of the interface specified number of times, using more keyboard shortcuts or mouse. In addition, the specific user is working with a specific device, and rarely changes the line of conduct.
But everything changes when the control intercepts boat / attacker-person interaction with the browser, a kind of "fingerprint" immediately changed. In this case, the system developed by IBM, the user begins to demand additional identification methods.
Of course, it may happen that the user's behavior changes due to a hand injury, for example, or a change in the operating device (desktop PCs with touch screen ultrabook or tablet). In such a case the person does not cost anything to pass additional identification.
But, according to developers, abrupt changes of behavioral factors in the majority of cases are caused by the actions of Internet fraud. And the attacker will be much harder to pass additional identification than conditional user whose data was stolen.
The patent itself can be viewed here: US Patent # 8, 650, 080
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/ibm/blog/225933/
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