Company PlasticLogic introduced flexible AMOLED displays for wearable electronics

Company PlasticLogic enough known Habré even published material about this office. Produces PlasticLogic ePaper displays for electronic "e-readers" and other gadgets.
Recently the company announced its new development - flexible AMOLED-display, which really can be bent without fear of break. Such a display can be used in "smart" watches, fitness trackers and other similar gadgets.
course, the new development until there are drawbacks, as the project is not yet in its final stage.

Nevertheless, it is already possible to find the use of such technology. One only skzazat that the display color, the screen displays 256 shades of gray.

Update - 30 frames per second, so that is enough for video, not to mention the text and images.
via The Digital Reader em>
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/225389/
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