Packed Lunches servicemen different countries

Italy: alcoholic liquor, cappuccino, cookies, pasta, bean soup, canned turkey, chocolate cereal bars and canned fruit salad

UK: sachets of coffee and tea, Tabasco sauce, Tikka Masala (a dish of curry and fried chicken pieces), vegetarian pasta, pork and beans, candy, fruit salad

US mix for almond cake, cranberry, apple, peanut butter, crackers, noodles with vegetables noodles.

France venison pate, Cassoulet with duck, pork, Creole, chocolate pudding, candy, cereal, coffee and drinks are bred

Australia: biscuits with jam, boiled condensed milk, lots of chocolate bars, cheddar cheese, meatballs, pasta with tuna and bred drinks

Spain beans with ham, olive oil, pâté. Dry vegetable soup, peaches in syrup, crackers, vitamins.

Canada: salmon fillet with Tuscan sauce or vegetarian couscous, peanut butter, bread, sandwich with jelly

Norway: tea, beans, bacon and tomato sauce, oatmeal cookies, fruit candy

Germany: dry juices, Italian pastry, pate, bread, stew with potatoes, jams

Estonia: chicken pate, smoked fish, liver sausage with potatoes, crackers, halva, muesli, honey, tea, fruit puree



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