Lyrebirds can play any sound with amazing accuracy

Lyrebirds live in Australia. Males of this species are considered rock stars avian world: they can mimic voices, at least 20 species of birds almost to perfection, as well as any other copy they heard sounds - eg car alarm or a chainsaw. And the best sounds Lyrebirds used to attract females.
Females Lyrebirds though in his own way, and beautiful, but not too much, but the males - the real beauties. Before you start to sing, they clear space on the forest floor and build something like a concert venue. Then they climb on the mound and begin to sing, and they spread their beautiful tail feathers length of about 70 cm. The view also attracts the females, but the song - it's the most important thing: the more diverse repertoire of the male, so it is attractive to potential mates.
It is not clear why some birds can play sounds with amazing accuracy. Are capable not only Lyrebirds - think about crows, parrots and budgies. With Lyrebird more interesting - if they "will learn" the sound, it will remain forever in their repertoire. Moreover, the sounds are transmitted from generation to generation. From these birds can hear the sound of the ax, screeching saws, clacking cameras.

Like other songbirds, at Lyrebird has a voice organ - the syrinx. It is located at the point where the trachea connected to the bronchi and go to the lungs, allowing the birds to issue more than one sound at a time. But Lyrebird and here stood out - it differs from fistula fistula other birds less muscle and more flexibility. Perhaps the reason for his talent in this.
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