Million dollars for the theory of inflation
Russian-language theoretical physicists Andrei Linde and Alexei Starobinsky was awarded the Kavli in astrophysics. Together with a third laureate in this area - Alan Guth, a premium of $ 1 million awarded for literally "pioneering theory of cosmic inflation».
The theory of inflation developed early 70-80yh years. American physicist Alan Guth and Andrei Linde Soviet physicists and Alexei Starobinsky (RAS) introduces significant changes in the hot universe theory American physicist George Gamow Soviet origin. In particular, in order to explain the phenomenal homogeneity of the universe and its "plane", they introduced the principle of inflation - superfast expansion of the universe at the initial stage of its existence.
The basis for the award was the work of the project Bicep2, discovered in CMB direct confirmation of the inflationary period in the history of the universe - traces of gravitational waves from the Big Bang .
Kavli Prize - Science Prize, awarded every two years, beginning in 2008, for outstanding achievements in astrophysics, nanotechnology, and neurology. Laureates are awarded medals and prizes of $ 1 million from the Kavli Foundation.
Established Norwegian philanthropist Fred Kavli in 2007. The award is positioned as an alternative to the Nobel Prize.
"I decided to support three areas of science: one deals with the largest, the other - the smallest, the third - the most difficult." Fred Kavli.
I sincerely want to congratulate the winner for a well-deserved award, and pay tribute to the Soviet physicists educated such minds.
Well, as an intellectual dessert advise to listen to (or read, if desired) scientific - popular lectures Andrei Linde of inflation theory and modern cosmology, organized at the Physics Institute of the PN Lebedev, Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN) in 2007: Many Faces Universe
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/224723/