Detection of cosmic inflation potential effect confirms the theory of the Multiverse

After the recent sensational statements about the potential discovery of the first signs of gravitational waves in space, which left its imprint in the cosmic background radiation, among the international scientific community is now serious passions erupt. So a group of theoretical physicists believe that the new discovery gives the right support for the theory of the multiverse.

The essence of the theory of the multiverse, if someone does not know, is the hypothesis that our universe (that is, one in which we live) is not the only one, and only one of the almost infinite number of other universes combined into one incredibly huge Multiverse. And this theory is in fact may not be as far-fetched as it might seem at first glance. One of the multiverse theory tells us that virtually instantaneous extension that experienced in the early Universe fractions of a second (the same cosmic inflation) after the Big Bang was uneven.

As a result of the Big Bang expansion of some parts of the space-time could happen faster than in others. This effect in turn could create a time-space "bubbles", which in turn would have evolved in a different universe. The detection of gravitational waves can say without a doubt that the Big Bang occurred, but after the first fraction of a second after it began to launch process of cosmic inflation, or quickly (almost instantly) expansion of space-time.

Gravitational waves themselves, as scientists believe, in space-time have been formed this inflation. Although the theory of the expanding universe has been around for decades, a direct proof of the existence of inflation that occurred in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang, scientists could not manage to discover. What's even more interesting is that scientists believe that the rate of inflation of the cosmos exceeded several times the speed of light.

Multiverse idea assumes that each individual universe which it is present, has its own set of physical rules, but not exclude the possibility that some of them (the universe) share these rules.

"It is difficult to build any of the models of inflation space, which would ultimately did not lead to the theory of the multiverse. I think it's just impossible. Rather, scientists will still be something to smash his head in the near future "- says Alan Guth.
Expert in theoretical physics from the Massachusetts Technology Institute was not involved in the detection of gravitational waves, but during the conference, which was held yesterday, a physicist, said that "most models of inflation lead to the principles of the Multiverse and the evidence of inflation every time will lead us to the fact with the result that we have to take seriously the Multiverse theory ».

Andrei Linde, a theoretical physicist at Stanford University, known to the scientific community for his theory of permanent inflation and Inflation, agrees with his colleague from MIT and believes that between the theory of the multiverse and inflation there is a very strong bond.

"In most models of inflation there is proper inflation itself and the Multiverse model. Of course, the ability to create models of inflation, which does not carry the Multiverse model really is, but it's very, very hardly feasible task. Each experiment was aimed at seeking evidence of the existence of inflation anyway, one way or another leads us to believe that the multiverse is real, "- said the expert, and agrees with his colleague Gath from MIT.