Solar Roadways - solar panels all over the roadway
In the 48 continental states in the US, there are about 80,939 square kilometers of roadway - roads, parking lots, driveways, playgrounds, bike paths, sidewalks. If Julie and Scott Bryusou will implement their plan, then all these roads once can be replaced by solar panels. H5>
More than half of the last 10 years, a couple from Idaho worked to create a prototype of the industrial design that could withstand the weight of even the largest trucks. And so happened, the scientists were able to create a glass panel that can withstand not only incredibly high pressure loads, but also provides a standard for the level of road grip. According to the calculations of inventors, with a maximum road paving new panels will be able to produce and store three times more electricity than now consume USA. A by transmitters mounted in the roadway, the panels can also be charged through dedicated power automobiles receiving plate mounted on the underside of the vehicle.
The project has already received two tranches of investment by the US Federal Highway Administration, and last year took part in Google Moonshot. Currently, the project is registered under the name of Solar Roadways. Ceychas Solar Roadways are hoping to raise $ 1 million for IndieGoGo and go from prototype stage to production. In three weeks, the project has already collected $ 112'000.
Why Crowdfunding, and mutual funds? Authors Solar Roadways meet to this question is quite simple and even noble. They want to create jobs in the USA, and not to engage in outsourcing and open a factory in another country, which probably will require investors. In addition, there is a clear vision of how the company should develop, for example, very high environmental standards, the maximum "green" production, the maximum possible involvement of recycling of materials and so on. And it can go contrary to the requirements of investors. Therefore, the company will try to remain independent as much as possible. The contract with the Federal Highway Administration ends in July, and then determine the fate of Solar Roadways, possibly money from the campaign on IndieGoGo is not enough, and then, of course, will have to seek investors.
Design project of the roadway from the Solar Roadways:
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222797/
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