NASA released the visualization of the merger of two neutron stars in a black hole
Гамма-всплески - One of the most deadly events that occur in the universe. They occur in the collapse of rapidly rotating massive objects, such as supernova explosion is very heavy or a merger of two neutron stars. If gamma-ray bursts in a short period of time, from a fraction of a second to minutes (sometimes hours), stands a giant energy bursts for some it comes to the 10 54 sup> erg, which is comparable to the rest mass of the sun. Focused energy bursts in the two narrow beams, located on the axis of rotation of the collapsing object.
To test the model, explains the emergence of gamma-ray bursts, the scientists used a simulation calculated using supercomputers. Visualization of one of these simulations today released NASA. This simulation covers the time period just 35 milliseconds - during which time the two neutron stars merge into one, forming a black hole and rotating around it at nearly the speed vortex incandescent gas. This vortex creates a superstrong magnetic field, which generates two narrow beams of radiation. According to scientists, just so there is a short gamma-ray bursts. Long that can last minutes or hours, most likely associated with the collapse supernovae.
Neutron stars in the beginning of the simulation are at a distance of 20 km from each other. Their diameter is also about 20 km. In addition, each of them has a ton and a half times that of the Sun, the density of the neutron star matter is that it is one cubic centimeter weighs as much as Mount Everest. At the confluence of two neutron stars, their density becomes so great that a black hole is formed, which fails most of their weight, but because of the high speed rotation of the part of their agents (about 20% of the mass of the Sun) escapes this fate and continues to rotate, forming a torus diameter of about 200 km.
Gamma-ray bursts - a rare event - in the middle of the galaxy they occur about once every 100,000 years. Theoretically, the gamma-ray burst that occurred within a few thousand light-years around the solar system, can cause catastrophic extinction of all life, until the complete sterilization of the planet. According to one hypothesis, the gamma-ray burst was the cause of Ордовикско-силурийского extinction , which occurred 443 million years ago - then died out 60% of living species.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222811/
To test the model, explains the emergence of gamma-ray bursts, the scientists used a simulation calculated using supercomputers. Visualization of one of these simulations today released NASA. This simulation covers the time period just 35 milliseconds - during which time the two neutron stars merge into one, forming a black hole and rotating around it at nearly the speed vortex incandescent gas. This vortex creates a superstrong magnetic field, which generates two narrow beams of radiation. According to scientists, just so there is a short gamma-ray bursts. Long that can last minutes or hours, most likely associated with the collapse supernovae.
Neutron stars in the beginning of the simulation are at a distance of 20 km from each other. Their diameter is also about 20 km. In addition, each of them has a ton and a half times that of the Sun, the density of the neutron star matter is that it is one cubic centimeter weighs as much as Mount Everest. At the confluence of two neutron stars, their density becomes so great that a black hole is formed, which fails most of their weight, but because of the high speed rotation of the part of their agents (about 20% of the mass of the Sun) escapes this fate and continues to rotate, forming a torus diameter of about 200 km.
Gamma-ray bursts - a rare event - in the middle of the galaxy they occur about once every 100,000 years. Theoretically, the gamma-ray burst that occurred within a few thousand light-years around the solar system, can cause catastrophic extinction of all life, until the complete sterilization of the planet. According to one hypothesis, the gamma-ray burst was the cause of Ордовикско-силурийского extinction , which occurred 443 million years ago - then died out 60% of living species.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/222811/