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Games and skills of children of the Soviet Union

The children of my generation did not have computers, and that says it all. Yes, we did not know dissent, did not know of Warcraft did not know fun farm. All our entertainment stored in the recesses of the house, in the yard, in the tables and mezzanine, on the balcony and in the garage (who he was). And now I have the utmost confidence say - my childhood was much more interesting and richer without a computer.

I suggest you remember what attributes were bright saturated our childhood. You Fill in the comments if I forget something.
I was not some notorious hooligan, waif or punks. But remembering what we were doing in the yard, I sometimes become a little uncomfortable. Our skills could envy the most extremist zapravsky :) Of course, my mother did not even guess about our antics, otherwise ... I will not remember about ball games, cycling, playing hockey with vegetable drawers instead of the gate, I will not talk about weight Peaceful yard games like the Indians, hide and seek, dogonyalok, Cossacks, "goat" (with the ball), not edible, edible chervichki stop, CIFS, rounders, square, classics, etc. klёka I will remember those of our class, for which you can get from adults in the neck and very hard :)

Who remembers the makeshift slingshot? They were of two kinds - the classic and drills. Classic cut from thick branches forked hazel, gray bought a harness at the pharmacy, got a piece of skin (could secretly cut home from traveling bag and dump her sister) and all are held together with copper wire or the blue tape:

Charge the slingshot so smooth pebbles, which is often brought into the courts with sand or unripe berries such as rowan, plums or cherries, which grow enough of the house. Power shots stone enough sometimes to smash a bottle of champagne with 3 meters. This slingshot appreciated due to the fact that not everyone has enough skills and resources to create it. It could be exchanged for other valuables such as inserts from Turbo, CinCin and Final90.
Taking a walk, and had nothing to do could make a slingshot easier - keyed. To do this, the landfill had to find a thick aluminum wire braided and find flagellum. With the latter usually had no problems - easily extracted from the panty elastic. The newer pants - the better flagellum. From all of this was going something like this:

Such a slingshot to shoot dowels - bent horseshoe pieces of copper or aluminum wire. Special harm it did not cause, but the pigeons and cats poshugat was ok. Sometimes the slingshot becomes the last argument in the yard fights - on the thigh to cauterize it's great! But mostly just shot in the air, enjoying the sound of a flying key - "fyrrrrrrr" :) This slingshot going for one day and night, usually merged companion for "to drive a bike - just one circle around the yard)».

What do you think is sikalka? Something from the word "Sika". It is. This popular melee yard water "fight" to the era of the appearance of disposable syringes in pharmacies.
Master sikalka from an empty bottle of shampoo or under-liter plastic bottle "Whites". In a traffic jam on the plate with hot nail to make the holes and inserted back half of a ballpoint pen without a rod. All this is sealed with putty or clay.

Bottle poured into water (for the first time at home, the next - from the pipe under the balcony) and squirting water at an opponent :) It was an alternative to expensive and scarce water pistol. By the way, sikalki was very cool to quench their thirst :)

The game is not played darts probably just lazy :) We also loved as a child throw darts. But that's just not sell them or they cost a lot of money. Therefore, almost every boy in our backyard could make it myself. Dart in its Flight and vtykatelnym as receiving no worse than the factory. See how we make them:

A piece of paper, 4 matches, needle, stationery glue and thread. On the wall hung a homemade rug target of notebook sheet and played.
On the street doing more darts of welding electrodes. Sharpened at one end of the curb, and another primatyvali pigeon feathers. Flew too bad! )

Plevatelnaya tube or harkalka.
Another essential attribute of the boys was a metal tube for spitting plasticine or mastic beads and harkalkoy perfectly and served as part of the pen, lightly nibbling at the ends.

Get a tube was not easy and she was highly regarded in the yard. Directly on the handset lepilsya large supply of mastic or clay from which pinch off a piece and charge the phone. In addition to moral damages such spit nothing gets in his victim. Later replaced by an empty tube of gel rod handles, and clay - for millet or buckwheat.


Plain truth - only our generation knows what is the relationship between childhood dolls or a tennis ball ...

But we know what will happen if the pieces of this special, magical plastic wrap in foil or paper, and set fire to put out ...))


How much of this word for the heart ... And the child merged merged in the truest sense of the word. Remember how prowled along the garages, searched Car junk yards in search of old batteries?

Knock out a dried electrolyte and crumbled soft metal tin. Or in a bowl:

Make a fire and wait for the bank shine liquid metal.
And then do whatever your heart desires!

Who remembers the magic stones and odor that bubbles in the water? Carbide - is a joy for those who found him, the whole day! Caring shook out his welders from their bottles right there where they worked. Often, in the yard:

And a bunch of useless white rot certainly was sought several strong calcium carbide stones! When combined with water, it was reacted and singled wonderful acetylene gas. It is remarkable that burns well.

In what form is not only used carbide. And just throwing in a puddle, setting fire to it. And warmed his hands, squeezing her hands carbide submerged in a puddle. And thrust it into a water bottle, cork plugging ...
Took an empty bottle from under a deodorant or "dichlorvos" cut his neck, at the bottom of the hole were doing, put into carbide, heavy spit on him, and stopped all the holes, shaking moment, open the tray and a burning match to a small hole ... WAIS !!! :)
Rarely, but it happened and worst - deified hands and faces it's flowers ...

In my opinion, every boy in his childhood had been here such a folding knife:

It's always been a source of pride. His treasured away from his mother's eye and not often carried out. The knife was constantly in the sand, remember? And all because he was just a tool for playing "knife»
Versions of the game was a lot, but most often played "zemelku", "tanchiki." Each game had plenty of varieties of rules. For example, "zemelku" Damn circle, divided equally by the number of its participants. Each stood on his land. Then he stuck the knife in standing portion of the enemy and cut off a piece of his land. "Advance" (not stuck) - turn passes to another. And by the same rules we had all the time to stand on their own land until you can. On the other - you can stand outside, but in the event of a catastrophic decrease your portion opponent offered you stand on it for 3 seconds. If you can not resist - is eliminated. Could even stand on his toes of one foot - the main hold for 3 seconds.

Crushed into powder with a file we magnesium mixed in certain proportions with potassium permanganate, which cost a penny at the pharmacy and wrapped in a tight paper bag, wrapping duct tape yet. Done the hole and screwed to match it, so that the sulfuric head was right in the hole. It turned out something like this:

Strike sharply on match boxes and sharply cast aside. Package with a deafening noise and a bright flash exploded.
I also loved to arrange with magnesium different experiences at home. For example, put it in acetic acid and collected in a jar catching bubbles of hydrogen. And then match the hydrogen burned :) He burned with a ringing sound "pa". Or burned magnesium powder on the tip of a knife and quickly threw it into the water. Magnesium hydroxide as a result of a violent reaction to the burning sublimated to the ceiling and fell out as white flakes of snow. By the way, never try to extinguish burning magnesium or titanium water - is a hydrogen explosion.
Slate in the fire.

I think you can easily remember, what happens to the slate in the fire :) That's right, no good - he strongly shoots. Pieces.

Yes, at times, so that the initial fire little that remained :)

Shooting slate just scatter it to the side. To the delight of us.

May beetles.

Search beetles we have already started in April. Went into the woods and dug them out of the ground with a shovel :) May beetles were very valuable in the yard. While they were alive :)

Stuffed them full of cans. And even distinguished by the color of their heads: red - firefighters, black - workers. There were a greenish tint - guards. Long whiskers - male, short - female.

Once in the courtyard there was a rumor that the pharmacy take money nadkrylki beetles ... Then I will not continue. It could be called genocide ... Wings ultimately not accepted :)

And how much more likely Kinescopes from televisions exploded a little worse fluorescent lamps, Pugachev and gunpowder, cartridges and capsules by ordinary coppers treshki ranks lying under the rails trams

There were peaceful respite! ) From the peaceful inclinations remember braids out and colored wire. Found a piece of telephone cable and derbanit it.

As you can see, training has been more than enough. I think a lot of things I have not thought of.
